Recent content by Monsterhook87

  1. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2021 XL Antep Aci Cross

    After a couple years of complete disappointment and a year off due to the birth of my little one, I'm gonna try to actually be competitive.  New garden is up and ready, count me in.   I think that means I'm +7
  2. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    Started off trying to germinate with a moist paper towel as I've had tons of success with it the last few years, and...I accidentally let it dry out. I think they're ok still, but just threw them in a tray with some dirt. Hoping for some helmet heads soon.
  3. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    My seeds have arrived!  Time to get them germing up and then get working on building the new garden.  
  4. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    Awesome, thanks. Was worried it got lost in the holiday mayhem.
  5. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    Still waiting for my seeds. Eagerly rushing to the mailbox after work today to see if they've arrived.
  6. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

    Proof that I had a plant that produced. Nothing special this year as I ended up far too busy to do much and got my plant in the ground in June. Weigh ins were 20g, 93g, 52g, and 172g for a total of 337g with some green ones still on the plant.
  7. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    I'm all about this competition this year. Had some major setbacks this past year that had me getting my plants in the ground in June. Not ideal for competition. Currently rebuilding my garden from the ground up.
  8. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

    I'm super late to the competition but finally got mine in the ground last week. Ended up being a much busier spring than expected, so I'm likely out of the competition at this point. Still love this pepper and will have fun seeing what I can get out of her. The largest plants I've ever grown...
  9. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

    Received my seeds several days ago.  Only hours away until these seeds begin their long journey.  Good luck, everyone.
  10. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

    Would love to try Yellow Brain Strain for a grow down.  Has to be my favorite yellow chinense.  I may be biased because the only time I grew it, I ended up with a massive 8 ft plant.   :P   Would also love doing Aji Amarillo, Dedo de Moca, or something frutescens.  I'm really hooked on baccatum...
  11. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

    Haven't paid any attention to this site in forever due to being super busy with other parts of life.  Wished I'd seen this growdown long ago, because I would have loved to participate. I grow this type every year as it's one of my favorites.  For funsies, here's my late season harvest from...
  12. Monsterhook87

    Monsterhook87's 2013-2014 Grow Log

    Well I'm back.  I've been on hiatus as life has just been super busy, from work to vacation to my girlfriend having knee surgery.  All the while, I've managed to revive quite a few of those original plants that I'd thought were gonners, as well as growing out some more types in a new round of...
  13. Monsterhook87

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    Wow, I'm way behind. Guess that's what happens when life gets busy and I'm never on the forums really.  I'm in on this one, though ironically, Aji Chuncho is the only one on my growlist that keeps refusing to live for more than a month.  Looks like I'm starting new seeds again today.
  14. Monsterhook87

    Monsterhook87's 2013-2014 Grow Log

      I had very little hope for any survivors, but some have made it.  I'm in desperate need of repotting for the larger ones, but haven't had the time with life being so crazy. Major car accidents, my girlfriend having the first of 2 painful knee surgeries (unrelated to the car accident), and work...
  15. Monsterhook87

    wanted CLOSED ?CGN22184 non isolated seed

    Sadly, mine never came.  Looks like the USPS monster ate those seeds up.   :tear: