Recent content by Lost0

  1. L

    artwork Need Advice on Where to Start

    Thats what I'm attempting to do. I want most of the paperwork out of the way so I can focus on products. It's slow going, but I'm in no rush. I want to be thorough and not forget or miss an important step in the process.
  2. L

    artwork Need Advice on Where to Start

    I live in California, San Diego to be more exact. Being able to establish a home base, at least in the beginning would be a big plus. I've given a corp name a little thought in the past, but I want to have a small list if first choice is not available. I'm doing more research on an S-corp vs...
  3. L

    artwork Need Advice on Where to Start

    Thanks for the input, I will try to touch base with a food lawyer next week and run my questions past them as well. Manufacturing isn't even on my mind yet, but I expect it will be a through a co-packer or rented commercial kitchen. From what I have read, personal kitchens are not an option...
  4. L

    artwork Need Advice on Where to Start

    So I recently found this forum and I have to say I am very thankful that I might be able to find some direction finally. I have a hot sauce I want to bottle and sell, yet have no idea how to move forward with this idea. After reading the sticky in this section ‘Resources for staring your food...