Recent content by jubjubrsx

  1. jubjubrsx

    Prunned, 2 months after

    Wouldnt it really depend on the location.... Like here in california, it stays warm almost year round.
  2. jubjubrsx

    harvesting Keeping peppers fresh after harvest?

    ^^ came into say the flash freeze with dry ice or i thought of liquid nitrogen (if you can find it)
  3. jubjubrsx

    Might sound silly but.....

    Awesome! Thanks for all the great responses. I mostly just thought of this today because in my reef tank if different types of coral start touching they will "burn" each other and kill the weaker of the corals.   To be honest I'm not really worried about cross pollination one bit.(Actually I...
  4. jubjubrsx

    Might sound silly but.....

    Since I have such a huge variety of plants growing in pots, I know this might sound kind of silly but here goes. Would the different species of plants have problems if the leaves were touching each other? I'm starting to run into crowding issues with my limited space. Just curious cause I'd like...
  5. jubjubrsx

    fertilizer Does anyone use egg shells for fertilizer?

    I probably eat around a dozen eggs a day (I have an unlimited supply of eggs). The chickens lay so many eggs, any who, I was reading about using the shells in some water and mixing it for fertilizer anyone else do this? just curious.
  6. jubjubrsx

    First ever grow, first pod!

    That's awesome bud! I know the feeling I'm a pepper virgin as well and I noticed my first pod yesterday it like seriously made my day.
  7. jubjubrsx

    Pictures of the grow op and a question

    very nice plants!
  8. jubjubrsx

    Think I might have over done it?

    ^^ well I wont really know until I start getting peppers and such, to be honest since I didnt label anything. It will be just like xmas when I start getting peppers in a month or two. Was always iffy on if I would enjoy becoming farmer casey, but its amazing I'm seriously loving going out...
  9. jubjubrsx

    Think I might have over done it?

    So I've been lurking around this forum for quite a long time, finally decided to create an account and say hi to everyone on here. And thanks for all the advice I've read given to other people, I figure not many questions havent been answered you just have to search for them. But, what really...