Recent content by Jonny5

  1. Jonny5

    fermenting Larger Fermenting containers

    Awesome choices and tips guys, I really appreciate it. I would prefer glass over plastic but for the price and size I will probably go with a plastic Ale Pale or food grade bucket. Which ever I come across first here locally. The next step will be finding someone to buy a few cases of orange...
  2. Jonny5

    Close. Call.

    I know this is on verge of being an old thread but thought I should point out that I'm pretty positive that is a male black widow which is relatively harmless to humans, unlike the adult female who can kill you. however... I still would have killed that thing and looked around for his mate or...
  3. Jonny5

    fermenting Larger Fermenting containers

    Good to know, I just wasn't sure if the plastic would react in some way to the peppers. I'll have to see if I can find a brewing supplies store around town.
  4. Jonny5

    fermenting Larger Fermenting containers

    So correct me if I'm wrong. It's ok to ferment peppers in a plastic container as long as it's food grade safe?
  5. Jonny5

    fermenting Larger Fermenting containers

    I had thought about those, but that'll be a last resort. I prefer something with a larger opening for ease of getting the mash in and out as well as testing the PH and stirring it occasionally.
  6. Jonny5

    fermenting Larger Fermenting containers

    so I have family, friends, and co workers interested in my sauce and I just don't have enough mash to go around and I just don't feel like fermenting in 5 separate 80 oz. (2.5QT) pickle jars. Not to mention I have plans for experimenting with some other mash's. Soooo I'm looking for some larger...
  7. Jonny5

    AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots in Central Market Stores

    Dang wish I had seen this sooner! if they have some in the SA CM when I get back off vacation in 2 1/2 weeks i'll have to buy a pound or 2 for mash!
  8. Jonny5

    First cherokee purple tomato...2 lbs!!!!

    Give me a salt shaker and I would sink my teeth into that so quick! Mmmm making my mouth water!
  9. Jonny5

    Transplant Shock?

    sometimes not the best idea to mist pepper plants, especially when they are weak from shock, it can cause fungal problems. careful not to overwater and go easy on the light as well as heat until it adjusts and try and keep it around 80 degrees until it has improved. then you can slowly move it...
  10. Jonny5

    How are everyone's plants doing in this heat?

    San antonio has already had around 12 days in the triple digits, not to mention the heat index with the humidity. My plants wilt in the day and perk right up in the evening. I keep mine well shaded, they get an hour or 2 of early sunlight and then it's shade the rest the day.
  11. Jonny5

    A "Hey There" from Texas

    Welcome from SA!
  12. Jonny5

    beer RocketMan goes a brewing

    haha well then!
  13. Jonny5

    beer RocketMan goes a brewing

    Ya know RocketMan if you're sick of FL you can always move to south TX so you can brew me up some of that mouth watering goodness!! :beer:
  14. Jonny5

    pests Bugs

    I've never used ladybugs but hear great things about em. I've used a Garden Safe brand insect killer that worked well when I got my pepper plants and were covered with the little guys.
  15. Jonny5

    pests Bugs

    looks like aphids, Kill em.