Recent content by jetskee

  1. jetskee

    powder-flake "Crushed Red Pepper" - what variety is it?

    Sure can. Here are a few pics of the pods. Plant has about 8 pods right now, largest being about 4" long.
  2. jetskee

    powder-flake "Crushed Red Pepper" - what variety is it?

    Resurrecting an old thread.... Here is an update on my "Pizza Cottage" peppers. After my initial sprout came up, about a week later, another one started, so I have two plants. They are still alive and kicking, doing quite well, and recently started producing pods. Plant #1 I would say...
  3. jetskee

    Bell pepper pods rotting from the bottom up

    Thanks for the replies. My plants are huge, green, and beautiful, so I don't think PH is the issue. A few days ago I picked and trashed the B.E.R. affected peppers. Added some Tomato-Tone so we'll see what happens. I still have lots of unaffected peppers, so it is not a total loss.
  4. jetskee

    Bell pepper pods rotting from the bottom up

    I have about 30 bell pepper plants of various varieties, and all of them have some fungus/rotting on them (see pictures). Can someone identify the problem and offer suggestions. I have something similar that was affecting my tomatoes (first year growing tomatoes) but didn't affect them as...
  5. jetskee

    vendor Ordering Pepper Seeds

    Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds is where I have ordered my seeds. They don't have any SUPER hots like Bhuts or Scorpions, but they have quite a few varieties (and lots more than just Peppers, too).
  6. jetskee

    Making pepper powder...

    +1 for cheap coffee bean grinder from Wal-mart. Works great. I dry my pods in a Nesco dehydrator for a few hours at about 130 degrees before powderizing them (I think that's a real word....)
  7. jetskee

    Bolivian Rainbows

    I grew a "Vietnamese Multicolor" last year, just for the novelty. After all the pods turned red, I ended up grinding them and using them to sprinkle on pizza and in chili. I actually liked the heat and flavor. I'm growing about 8 plants this year to make a bunch of dried powder. One nice...
  8. jetskee

    Definitive - Hot Peppers Book

    Search for "The Pepper Garden" by the same authors (Bosland and DeWitt). It is essentially the same book, just older. My library has it, but not "The Complete Chile Pepper Book". I bought TCCPB after reading "The Pepper Garden".
  9. jetskee

    What bulbs do you use in your fluorurescent setups?

    See link below. This guy has some controlled experiments that show a GE Plant and Aquarium bulb seemed to produce noticeable results over other bulbs. They are available at Lowes (at least they are at mine in Ohio) but they are $9.99 per bulb vs. $3.99 for a two-pack of 4100k bulbs. Due to...
  10. jetskee

    pics Pics of your growing setups

    Ballpark estimates off the top of my head: 8 shop lights at $10 each = $80 8 4100k bulbs at $4 per 2 pack = $20 8 GE Plant and Aquarium bulbs at $10 each = $80 10 1x2 furring strips at about $1.25 each = $12.50 3 Mylar blankets at $3 each = $9 1 4 x 8 sheet of 1/8" hardwood board = $7 1 24 hour...
  11. jetskee

    pics Pics of your growing setups

    Here is my setup. It is usually wrapped in Mylar emergency blankets, but I had them off for this picture. I have 8 2-blub shop lights from Lowes, one standard 4100k light(cheap) and one GE Plant and Aquarium bulb (more expensive) per shop light. Growing tomatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower as...
  12. jetskee

    Poor man's (and lazy man's) growing station

    Yeah, I only had two wheels laying around, and didn't want to buy more, otherwise it would have some swivel casters in the front. You'll be OK, depending on what you are growing. I started "Early Jalapeno" my first year in mid-March (Ohio) and got more pods than I knew what to do with by...
  13. jetskee

    overwintering Little white bugs on my overwintered plants

    I hosed the plant down with some soap/water mixture in a spray bottle....cleaned off a bunch....we'll see what happens. I can't really do ladybugs, as I have this in my office at work. Releasing a batch of ladybugs in the office probably won't go over well. It will be warm enough in about a...
  14. jetskee

    seeds What's Happening to My Seedlings - Yellow Leaves

    I just posted about this recently. Just stop watering before you go messing with fertilizer changes, etc. I let mine go for 7 days without water, and they greened right up.
  15. jetskee

    Poor man's (and lazy man's) growing station

    Just an update. As the plants have grown, and as I have added more, I have fully populated my original design with a total of 8 worklights (2 bulbs each, 16 bulbs total). All tomatoes on the bottom row, three flats of peppers and one flat of broccoli/cauliflower on the top. Full size image...