Recent content by JayC

  1. J

    seeds germination without heat source

    This is my first year with heat mats...we'll see how it goes.
  2. J

    First Moruga Scorpion Pod.....

    Thats just about identical to the pod I was getting on my plants earlier this year before they went outside. I did the same as you and ate the little bugger and was crying little bioch for about an Once moved outside I started getting these....also my first year and I can't wait to...
  3. J

    10-month-old Reaper

    I was only give three seeds from a friend back in of them germinated. Seven months later after almost loosing it to illness its back and has two pods. I'm optimistic.
  4. J

    Whoosa Noob? Yousa Noob? Closed

    Knew I should have taken my laptop with me this weekend...darn it.....!
  5. J

    Seed sources other than peppers.

    I'm search around for seed sources for other garden variety veggies. When I do a search in Google I get some astronomical number of search results. With all the unreliable suppliers out there where is a safe place to order a selection of different veggie seeds? Thanks everyone.....
  6. J

    overwintering winter SUCKS

    going just below freezing here at night. Killing electric bill in the shop for keeping everything warm.....Since I heating the space I should just get more lights and plant more peps.
  7. J

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    Hopefully lettuce that produces pods!
  8. J

    chinense Trinidad Scorpion Sweet - Knepper`s peppers

    I know this is an older thread but are any of these seeds available from any sellers? I'd like to try some this spring....
  9. J

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    Thanks for the info.  I had to prune my plants a just a little tonight as they no longer fit into the ligh space I had. No so much the space itself but the lite area.  I need to buy more lamps but I just don't have the cash this pay check. I hope that I didn't hurt them. I didn't really trim off...
  10. J

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    Maybe I'm being impatient but once they start to have tons of flower how long should it be before I see my first poddage?
  11. J

    MY WIFE HAS LEFT ME friday morning

    Sorry to hear! Relationships can be difficult. My brother's wife rolled on him about a month ago and I've watch what he has been going through. Even though I'm fairly new here I wish you all the best.
  12. J

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    ok, some pictures to update...guess I should have done some kind of log. We are at 9 weeks. Here is my runt first...
  13. J

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    I don't have any pictures but my little plants are growing like crazy! I had to build a different rig to hold my light and I added an other fixture. I'll be getting two more tomorrow or Friday. From October 19th they have grown about 12". I did get a little yellowing after I used some fish ferts...