Recent content by hot1987

  1. H

    Small pots nice plants.

    Hello good people of THP. Just showing my patio grow, this is my second year growing. I've had good luck both years. This year I went with small pots and I got almost the same results. The bigger pot is from last year, the 5 gal bucket is for scale.The huge plant is a 2 year old (habanero de...
  2. H

    Not purple pequin

    I planted 3 plants out of the same seed packet, two of them were ture purple pequin. One of the looks like this. Nice plant super dark green.
  3. H

    Help Pepper I.D,

    Bought some purple pequin pepper seeds. Out of (3) plants two of them where true purple pequin and one came out like this.
  4. H

    Starting your grow this year? consider this.

    Taste testing 10 homemade salsas. And the winner is..
  5. H

    condiment Taste testing 10 homemade salsas. And the winner is..
  6. H

    flavor Taste testing 10 homemade salsas. And the winner is..

    Same amount of Garlic, salt, roasted tomato, cilantro, and onion. 8 tastes testers. all where good, surprisingly the yellow bhut was the favorite and the white habanero came in second.
  7. H

    awesome white bhut mutation

    White bhut pepper flower  
  8. H

    7 pot 7 point flower?

    Weird flower on my 7 pot douglah
  9. H

    Help!!! pepper weevils

    I'm losing all my peppers to pepper weevils what can i spray where can I buy it.  
  10. H

    Apartment grow 5 month update

    Everything going fine almost to the finish line! Thanks again everyone here at THP This is my first grow and I learned mostly everything from lurking and asking on this site, from grow lights, ferts, reppoting, pest etc,etc. I hope next year I have this much luck. Here is a short video update. I...
  11. H

    Cool Peppers! What are they?

    Thanks looks like that's it.
  12. H

    Cool Peppers! What are they?

    Hello there! I bought Pakistani pepper seeds, the website I bought them from show them as being red. And the few images I could find show them going from green to red. I don't mind what I got, they look pretty cool. The purple ones have all turned yellow. And the unripe one I tried didn't taste...
  13. H

    seeds I think i got the wrong seeds. Pepper I.D.

    Hello there! I bought Pakistani pepper seeds, the website I bought them from show them as being red. And the few images I could find show them going from green to red. I don't mind what I got, they look pretty cool. The purple ones have all turned yellow. And the unripe one I tried didn't taste...
  14. H

    breeding Will my plants cross.

    Thanks for the info guys....