Recent content by hndrx1477

  1. hndrx1477

    fermenting Barrel Age: Mash or liquid?

      What would you say is ideal PH for aging?
  2. hndrx1477

    fermenting Barrel Age: Mash or liquid?

    Been a while, everyone!   This year, I have 3 gallons of Reaper, Scorpion, and Habanero mash fermenting.  2/3 (gallon) jars are done fermenting and are just aging now, and the 3rd should be done soon.  I plan on buying a small barrel, aging some Bourbon in it for a few weeks, then maturing the...
  3. hndrx1477

    Hurricane Winds - Protection?

    Thank you! They're in my garden, so I'm screwed. I love inland and am really primarily concerned with wind. My house is in a sandy area so we get really good drainage! Appreciate your concern! I lost a plant to a thunderstorm last year, let alone a full on major hurricane!
  4. hndrx1477

    Hurricane Winds - Protection?

    Team! I live in South Carolina and Hurricane Irma is en route to a likely landing here next week. Is there anything at all to be done to protect my plants? I have full grown reapers, rains, scoropions and habaneros. Staking? Cinder Blocks to keep from swaying?
  5. hndrx1477

    Foxfarm Fertizers

      What do you suggest to raise the PH?  I'm glad I found this thread...I ordered some TigerBloom to use with my Reaper, Scorpion, Brains, Green Peppers, and Habaneros.
  6. hndrx1477

    seeds Bad luck with seedlings? Or am I just doing it wrong?

    So, a little backstory....I started my peppers (everything from Bell up to Reapers) in early Feb, and while I was on vacation, my fiancee killed them, so I started again a few weeks ago.  They have been germinating alright so far (about 50%, the Butch T and 7-pot brain are just starting to show...
  7. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    Oh snap, awesome content.  Thank you!!!  
  8. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    Do you recommend any sources? I'm thinking I will start my super hots via transplant like you said, and see what I can do with my seeds. I figure I am late, but still within a window where I could feasibly harvest in maybe mid august. What do you think?
  9. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    You got sprouts in 5-7 days?  Or they just developed the initial root?  
  10. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    I live in South Carolina...being almost April, am I too late to start seeds now?   I would usually do beginning of February, but my fiancee killed my seedlings while I was on vacation, and then I started again with this result  
  11. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    Thanks!   Yea, this will be the last year i attempt using pellets.  Can't seem to win!  Either it's completely soggy or way too dried out.  
  12. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    Thanks for the input!  I'm going to try again with a tray that has ventilation in the hood/lid so I can better control temp.  I think it got too hot, combined with too much water.  I had a heating pad in addition to the you think perhaps just use the pad and leave them by a window?  
  13. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    Thanks for the input.  I'll get more seeds and start again.  My thought was to do a bed of seed starter mix, and just place them in the tray with a lid, but poke some holes in the lid.  That way, still greenhouse-ish, but can vent more.  I hate getting started so late, but oh well.     Thoughts...
  14. hndrx1477

    seeds Seeds not germinating! Help!

    That's all the seeds I have right now, think those are screwed?  
  15. hndrx1477

    seeds Extra Seeds, Who wants some?

    Scorpion??? Anything left?  