Recent content by Guerilla Chef

  1. G

    Holy Jolokia...thoughts?

    I'm glad to hear about it. I'm interested if anyone else likes this sauce. I've been curious about it.
  2. G

    Best bird for pets ?

    Yes, I am aware of that. But you know what kills more songbirds than anything else? Peoples' free-roaming housecats. We raised this sparrow and kept it. I'm not into wholesale killing of any living being. I hunt, yes, for animals I am going to eat and I will defend myself if necessary. But the...
  3. G

    Accidental tongue split

    Hmmmm....anything that can eat away at flesh would, ergo, eat away at all flesh. Meaning your throat, gums, and the rest of your mouth. I can't see how it would only pick the tip of your tongue. Color me a cynic, but this sounds like what we used to call a barracks story.
  4. G

    This is just wrong

    What, a telemarketing scam on TV in America?! Why, I don't believe it! That can't possibly happen in the America I know, where such glorious products as Ronco's Hair-In-A-Can were sold! Or Ginsu knives that could saw through a tin can and go on to slice a tomato thin enough to use as a...
  5. G

    Ridiculous Hypothetical Situation

    Well, tell ya what. The proof is in the pudding. You do that and report back in a few months. Let me know how it worked out.
  6. G


    I learned all my favorite swear words and other bad habits in the army. Yeah, clean-cut American GIs, LOL!
  7. G

    Is It Dangerous To Eat Too Much Hot Sauce??

    Yeah, well, some people are able to read warning signs. Other people have to pee on electric fences their own selves.
  8. G

    Ridiculous Hypothetical Situation

    I'm the official wet blanket. I'm the guy that told everyone buying gas masks after 9/11 that they'd die anyway because they didn't have a full protective suit. Except I waited until after they bought the gas masks to tell them. :hell:
  9. G

    condiment Walkerswood Jerk Seasoning

    I just did some steaks on the grill with it. Mmmmmm!!!!! And Pickapeppa Sauce to dip them in!
  10. G

    Ridiculous Hypothetical Situation

    Here's what happens. You die. You did not provide for fats. The human body cannot survive without fats. That's what happened to that kid in the "Into The Wild" book. It's called "Rabbit Starvation". What's more, the human body also needs protein and phytonutrients. But the fats are the big thing.
  11. G

    Is It Dangerous To Eat Too Much Hot Sauce??

    If you are concerned about health effects, don't do it. That's my reasoning on things. If something seems to you to be so extreme as to warrant health concerns, that's your mind telling you not to do this thing. Now, can you be physically harmed? Who knows? We haven't heard what these sauces...
  12. G

    condiment Walkerswood Jerk Seasoning

    I am addicted to this stuff! The Hot & Spicy ones. The seasoning paste, the marinade, the barbeque sauce, all of it is great! Slather the seasoning paste on meat, let it sit a night and a day in the fridge, and grill it, ohhhh yeah! Anyone other Walkerswood fans?
  13. G

    shopping Why do store bought peppers suck?

    I think they write off the produce on their taxes as a loss. Or the prices are so high, the difference is made up across the board. Supermarket produce departments are like the Luftwaffe's disasterous Stalingrad airlift. The German army was begging for food, winter clothes, and ammo, so the...
  14. G

    shopping Why do store bought peppers suck?

    The supermarkets here sell habaneros for $6.99 a pound. And they then shrivel up and rot. Then they discard those, and get more. Because the store "plan" says they have to carry them and how many they have to have on hand. Thing is, they carry more than people here buy. But the "plan" says have...
  15. G

    shopping Why do store bought peppers suck?

    Well, see, back in the 1980s, an agri hybridist was experimenting with making milder jalapenos to see if it could be done and ended up creating a Frankenpepper. Then the thought was, hey, doing that could increase the market for the pepper. They were just getting popular---back then, no, not...