Recent content by Fitsea

  1. Fitsea


    . Derp. Confused my Mg for Ca. Thanks! You mean I can't just throw my egg shells in the bucket? [emoji16]
  2. Fitsea


    Thanks. Gotta break out the Epsom salt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk How so? Not terrible rain/humidity. They've been a bit dry. Also need to fert. Is the yellowish normal for bells? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Fitsea


    Two of my red bells have the ugly spots on the end. Is this BER? I've seen some cucumber beetles from time to time in my garden. Could this be damage from those? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Fitsea

    Give a girl hope

    Hey, at least this week has been dry!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Fitsea

    It was a dark and stormy...forever

    Fellow Washingtonian here. Lost a few of my lil plants in this weekend's wind. As in, they just blew away. Not too happy about that. Waiting for something to die from overwatering. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Fitsea

    Trying to figure how just how it is I'm killing these two.

    Y'all, I'm not growing in coir. I started in coir, moved the whole kit n kaboodle to dirt, but not potting soil. Looks like I didn't realize that garden solid didn't have the nutes that potting soil does. Will chop up some MG sticks and toss them in Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Fitsea

    Trying to figure how just how it is I'm killing these two.

    I water about once a week from the bottom. The medium sucks- was initially coir, then put the pod in a cup of soil, but that was garden soil, not potting. Mixed in the soil is some bone meal and sulphur. Hesitating to water more since the soil is so dense—when I'm ready to up-pot, I plan to mix...
  8. Fitsea

    Trying to figure how just how it is I'm killing these two.

    I'm thinking it's overwatering, but could it also be nute deficiency/burn?
  9. Fitsea

    Looking for a fan

    Looking to pick up a fan for my seedlings, and I'm trying to figure out what you all use. There's an obvious prk to clip-ons, but very few oscillate. Most stand-up oscillators don't crane downward.    Any input would be appreciated. 
  10. Fitsea

    water Too little water or too much?

    Sunlight in an east-facing window, haha. I've just been misting them since I took the saran wrap off the top, so i'm thinking too-little water as the above have said.  Not been on the heat mat for a few days. And the only light is sunlight.  I thought you were supposed to wait until they had...
  11. Fitsea

    water Too little water or too much?

    I can't seem to keep seedlings alive. They do this, then shrivel. Help!      
  12. Fitsea

    container Container Gardening On The Cheap: Homer Buckets Or Grocery Bags?

    Hey THP,   I'm in the closing months of my first season, and I am loving it! I have been growing on my rooftop in Home Depot Homer buckets, and have had decent results. The problem is that I've now lost two plants to what I suspect is root rot (picture below). I believe this is due to the...
  13. Fitsea

    Leopard Leaves--Cause?

    I'm paranoid about mites at the moment because of what's going on in my garden. Fair enough. Yeah, it's had plenty of sulphur, haha. Found a fellow neighbor's plant (I rooftop garden) has stink bugs, so I'm a little on edge about pests myself. Good luck with the mites on your end!
  14. Fitsea

    Leopard Leaves--Cause?

    Mites. I don't know what kind. Also, that plant needs some water. Thanks. I'm hesitant to water, as I've lost two plants to root rot this season; the buckets get really dry on the edges, but the center stays damp. Plan on switching to grocery bags next year. Case in point, my jalapeño. R...
  15. Fitsea

    Leopard Leaves--Cause?

    My Poblano is showing spotted leaves, and I'm trying to diagnose the cause.    I water it about 1-2 times a week in a full watering, but give it little hits (up to 12oz) as the leaves begin to droop. I use fish emulsion, but haven't in over a month. I recently hit it with sulfur and epsom salt...