Recent content by eyeisburning

  1. eyeisburning

    favorite Your Favorite Peppers?

    I will let you know how they taste as soon as I eat one! :)
  2. eyeisburning

    favorite Your Favorite Peppers?

    Scotch Bonnet! I'm growing red, yellow, TFM, brown, Foodorama, peach long, Tobago yellow and reds, and Trinidad yellow and reds. Also, Nagabons and Bonnet Bell hots. Hope to try the MOA's in the future if I could ever get some seeds :)
  3. eyeisburning

    Aji Margariteno, Mako Akokosrade, Manganji

    I'm growing the Mako this year but my plant is a really slow grower so far. 2 months old and still only 8 inches tall. Really interested in the Margarita pepper. My wife and I will be taking a trip there, hopefully next year. Matt
  4. eyeisburning

    hybrid What Pepper Cross do you wish existed?

    I'm growing some Bonnet Bell hots currently. Hoping to get some HUGE Scotch bonnet types from those plants. Or what about a Carolina Reaper X Jigsaw Pepper cross? :whistle:
  5. eyeisburning

    hybrid What Pepper Cross do you wish existed?

    I would like to see a Beni highlands crossed with a Fatalii. Same taste but quicker time to harvest. What else would be cool? Matt
  6. eyeisburning


    Hey Smitty! I live in North Peoria and I lost everything. Have lots of green peppers though :P Matt
  7. eyeisburning

    Best tasting hab? Peruvian White?

    The Dutch Antillais Red is a great one for flavor too. A little different than other red habs I have tasted with a little smoky aftertaste. Hot and a good yielder too! Matt
  8. eyeisburning

    Pusa Jwala not turning red

    Interesting, I was going to dry them. Will try some green, thanks!
  9. eyeisburning

    Pusa Jwala not turning red

    Thanks, I have decided to cover them and wait it out. Matt
  10. eyeisburning

    Pusa Jwala not turning red

    Hi all! We are about to have our first hard freeze tonight and was wondering if I should bother to protect my Pusa Jwalas or not and just pick the green peppers. The plants have been loaded with green peppers about 4-5 inches long since the beginning of November and they refuse to turn red. I...
  11. eyeisburning

    vendor Judy @ AAAAAAA+++++++++

    Best seed bank ever! Ordered 7 packs of seeds, got 6 additional free packs and a HUGE bag of dried 7 bod brown peppers for free! VERY generous seller and she has a loyal customer for life! I am not affiliated in one way with them, just a happy camper! Matt
  12. eyeisburning

    Really, last pepper contest

    47 - 62 WOOHOO!!!
  13. eyeisburning

    heat Hottest Thai pepper?

    Thanks everybody. Looks like I will have to try one of each :dance:
  14. eyeisburning

    heat Hottest Thai pepper?

    Hi Sick! Just looking for the hottest Thai type pepper. The Thai Dragons I have seen for sale from different seed sellers are advertised as either heirlooms or F1's. That's why I am confused. Is the real Thia Dragon an heirloom or an F1? I don't want to buy the wrong one. Thanks, Matt
  15. eyeisburning

    heat Hottest Thai pepper?

    Thanks Joyner's I'll look into those. The Thia Burapa sounds good too.