Recent content by DjBecker

  1. DjBecker

    fertilizer Fertilizers and Mediums

         Aye I really do like some of the discussions, as long as we can keep everything peaceful, this could be very helpful stuff lol.        Keeping things more approachable for newer growers like myself, in laymen's terms how do we feel these different fert mixes work for in the ground/container...
  2. DjBecker

    fertilizer Fertilizers and Mediums

    I see what your saying Cobra, and even from the beginning I understood that different ferts would cover different nutrients for different parts of plant growth. I'm also interested in some of the growers who do manage to get a good harvest and healthy sized plant from a simple n-p-k fertilizer...
  3. DjBecker

    fertilizer Fertilizers and Mediums

    @alkhall anything and everything, and every method for all of them. Really whichever way anyone houses their plants and however they keep them fed.
  4. DjBecker

    fertilizer Fertilizers and Mediums

    @juanitos thanks for specifying by name, easy for new growers like me to get make a list of the stuff. @queequegs that stuff is gold, I really appreciate that info, you went all out lol.
  5. DjBecker

    fertilizer Fertilizers and Mediums

    Both*. I should have added that.
  6. DjBecker

    fertilizer Fertilizers and Mediums

    Hey everyone! I just had a lot of success diagnosing some issues I had with some of my peppers at a plant clinic (so awesome that those exist) and among a couple issues a vitamin deficiency was among them. I haven't seen anything discussed to recently (or it is likely I've missed the many recent...
  7. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    After about a week or two of treatment with fungicide, spinosad and a shot of miraclegrow to perk them up I'll give some pic updates, especially for my worst plant, I'll post a before and after of that one once I see a drastic difference, if everything goes well that is.  
  8. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    Something along the lines of restricting growth? I'm not sure, all I've ever heard is you should top your plants, so for the first time hearing you shouldn't is bizzare. They did admit most say you should top them, but not many try just letting them grow, so I'll take their word and just try it...
  9. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    The plant clinician (I love that title lol) also advised against topping peppers, so I think my next batch of plants I'll let be and see how they do.  
  10. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    I've been using a 1 to 1 ratio of Vigoro Potting soil and Gardening soil, with half an application of bonemeal from the beginning, with Epsom salts and Fish emulsion every few weeks. I'm not sure how disease became an issue myself, but UF said it could be because I started my plants a little...
  11. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    They actually sent a written list of what they noticed was wrong and solutions for each of them, so maybe the information will be clearer. Both of the plants I took that were in different stages of deformity looked to have been damaged in the past by a disease, while on of them looked to have...
  12. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    Yeah the specifics are a cocktail of pesticides and a fungicide. Copper dust fungicide to take care of the black ring fungus I believe they called it, and as for the pesticides a couple were just any sort of insect soap, and spinorad specifically by name as well as some other things I wrote down...
  13. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    They also recommended a 6-6-6 fertilizer, and a shot of miraclegrow half strength to help them back to their and I've decided to stop the organic route for now, it being my first time growing anything at all, I figured I'd give my self the boost my plants and I need.
  14. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    I got them checked at the University Of Florida Dep. Of Agriculture plant clinic, it's awesome that those exist lol. They listed mite damage,aphids, chile-thripe(?), fungus, disease, essentially anything that could've been wrong haha. But I got a big list of solutions so I'm looking forward to...
  15. DjBecker

    Deformed Plant Growth

    Hello! This is the continuation of a thread I started in the wrong forum, so I'm gonna get this one up to speed from where I left off.   I have been growing superhots and regular peppers, and things have been going very well up until about a week ago. My Reapers, Chocolate Bhutlahs, and Moruga...