Recent content by Chell

  1. C

    Eek, habanero is dying!

    It doesn't meet the criteria for blight by a long shot. That's the problem with Wyoming: I can't get perlite until at least March unless I eat a whole tank of gas (mine got used for winter camping supplies by friends.) But I might try repotting tonight. Thanks.
  2. C

    Eek, habanero is dying!

    It's been getting a daylight bulb (same bulb since September), although it's on a heat mat the apartment is a bit cold (finally getting a little winter in the area, but I keep the apartment at 55F). Yeah, I'm thinking that's the problem as it has been doing just fine until now. Will it...
  3. C

    Eek, habanero is dying!

    So my little habanero has been hanging in there all winter. A very, very long winter. No flowers or anything, but I didn't mind that too much, I just wanted the poor thing to live. But, when I got up this evening it was wilting pretty badly. I watered it just last night, a little miracle gro...
  4. C

    seeds Seed caps?

    Oh, I haven't had any issues with the seed caps when I've slid them off, they come off very readily, but I've been keeping them fairly humid, so that may have helped a lot. I would be too afraid of cutting off leaves with nail clippers.
  5. C

    seeds Seed caps?

    Ah, I could easily see that then, I didn't plant my seeds that deeply at all. I planted all my bhuts too deep last year and they died (although being in the middle of a flooded kitchen thanks to upstairs neighbors may have also played a part in killing the seeds). I guess I'll just keep a...
  6. C


    I got my first order from Judy back in December, and put the seeds aside until I had time to plant them. Amazingly fast service, and now the seeds have all begun sprouting within a week! I ordered during a good time, so there was no problem for me with anything I wanted being out of stock...
  7. C

    seeds Seed caps?

    So I planted a few little seeds on the first, and they've started coming up. First a Naga Morich sprouted, and when I noticed his little seed cap was still on I gently slipped it off, thinking nothing of it of course. Seed caps sometimes get stuck on, especially with basil. But then Hamish's...
  8. C

    Show us your Ghetto growing gear.

    I wish I had my camera out, I think I have everyone beat for the saddest, most 'ghetto', setup. A heat mat and a Pixar lamp with a 'daylight' bulb. That's it. In a basement apartment with constantly covered windows, so very little outside light (I work the night shift, and have a slight...
  9. C

    breeding Can you cross breed anything to make it hotter than the butch t?

    Once you start getting hotter, wouldn't you have to worry about Homeland Security taking them away and labeling them as weapons of mass destruction? Of course, given how many variables go into making a pepper spicy (nurture and nature), it might be difficult telling how well to go about it.
  10. C

    DIY Bottle Chilli

    I don't see a source for adding air to the water, or nutrients either. The plant is going to look awesome, but it's going to die a slow, miserable death. The roots are also going to bake the way it's setup. Cool idea, but simply not feasible the way it's currently setup. And no, it wouldn't...