Recent content by brownb4

  1. brownb4

    Mulching leaves

    i shred hardwood leaves every year too. shredding them def speeds up the composting time. my one concern for your method of turning them directly into the garden would be that your soil might go into nute lock-up. i have always and would suggest composting the leaves prior to tilling them into...
  2. brownb4

    What are some sweet good flavored hot peppers?

    paper lantern hab. I grew them this year by mistake and it turns out they are one of my favs. very sweet up front then the heat of a hab without that strong chinense aftertaste.
  3. brownb4

    PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

    that tuna has my mouth watering. absolutely beautiful. care to share your mix for blackening rub?   your grow looks truly professional. cheers to a stellar 2014.
  4. brownb4

    To Prune or Not to Prune.. DONE! (thanks folks!)

    are you growing strictly indoors or moving outside when season arrives?   if staying indoors i would just let them flower and do their thing.   if moving outdoors during season i would do a drastic prune which would give you more nodes/possible blooms when they do make it outside. i am guessing...
  5. brownb4

    fermenting Fermented Sriracha-style sauce

    loving that picklin pot!! i would have that thing as a center piece on my table.
  6. brownb4

    Chef John's version of Sriracha

    cayenne indonesian, is that the long pepper in the blender? hows the heat and flavor on those? i love thai bird peppers, but they are a pain to pick and make sauces with being so small. i am looking for a larger version with similar flavor and heat for next season.
  7. brownb4

    Chef John's version of Sriracha

    looks PHO-KING tasty.   what peppers did you use?
  8. brownb4

    Chef John's version of Sriracha

    thai peppers all the way. this is similar to the recipe i use and it is my go to sauce for everything. i have not tried fermenting this but "if it ain't broke don't fix it". i also have just found palm sugar and find it adds another note to the sauce, kinda butterscotch/ caramel.
  9. brownb4

    consistency How to thicken a sauce?

    i have mixed with water first, like making a slurry and then stirred in. i have found by adding it to the last blend in the blender it comes out smoother. xanthan will clump and it is hard to get out with just stirring. you can find it pretty cheap now with all the gluten free sections in the...
  10. brownb4

    consistency How to thicken a sauce?

    i use xanthan in all my sauces. it will thicken quickly, use very little at a time. does not need to be heated to activate like cornstarch, gives a shiny appearance and no flavor. 
  11. brownb4

    smokers Anyone built their own smoker?

    that's a cool looking smoker Nitro. 
  12. brownb4

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    soooooo. if i read this correctly, your saying anaerobic composting with select materials. i can see it, although i'm not convinced about a genetic trait such as vigorous growth being introduce thru a compost tea. i can understand the rest about nutrients and peppermint/cilantro extract...
  13. brownb4

    ^^^^^^ double agreed. i jerked wires for 10 years until i went back to school for electronics...

    ^^^^^^ double agreed. i jerked wires for 10 years until i went back to school for electronics. much more gratifying for me.
  14. brownb4

    Nepal III from HwyBill

    Nepal III from HwyBill
  15. brownb4


    that is a pile of heat. good to see you back in the forums.