Recent content by Brendon Douglah

  1. Brendon Douglah

    breeding Question about isolating a new cross

    Hey everyone, I have a question regarding a new cross that I have received from a FB friend of mine. Very excited about this one.   He has grown out the F1 generation and provided me with the seeds. I am planning on growing 4 plants of this cross in my grow tent for the F2 generation. Do I need...
  2. Brendon Douglah

    Bacterial Leaf Spot question

    Hey all,   I have about 150 potted plants this year and about 30 of them have bacterial leaf spot due to high rains and high humidity. It hasn't overtaken the plants yet but I keep having to prune newly infected leaves each day. I have separated the 30 plants from the rest and most of the...
  3. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when seeds first start to sprout

    OK thanks. Are the HH seedlings doomed? Should I pick them and maybe plant new seeds or will they eventually grow ok?
  4. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when seeds first start to sprout

    Hey everyone,   I noticed that a few of the superhot seeds that I planted have sprouted with the "seed shell" on the top instead of the 2 leaves. What does this mean exactly? Sorry, I am new to growing seedlings.
  5. Brendon Douglah

    lighting Question about light for chile plants in grow tent

    Hey everyone,   I have a few 7 pot Jonah and Katie plants growing in a grow tent in my basement. I am using one Electric Sky 180 V2 Wideband LED grow light. The light is presently about 18 inches from the canopy. The LED is very powerful and provides more than enough light, so I usually keep it...
  6. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when to start seeds

    Why do you think you didn't get high yields? Did you start the seeds too early or too late?
  7. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when to start seeds

    OK gotcha, thanks Paul.
  8. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when to start seeds

    Would you recommend moving the seedlings into cups likes these once they get too big? (I would punch holes for drainage)  ...
  9. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when to start seeds

      If I transplanted the seedlings into bigger cups after about 10 weeks and kept them inside a few weeks under flourescent bulbs would they be OK until I moved them outside, do you think?
  10. Brendon Douglah

    seeds Question about when to start seeds

    Hello everyone,   This is my first year starting plants from seeds. I live in St. Louis (zone 6a) and from what I can tell, the typical time to plant seeds is 8-10 weeks before the expected last frost of 2020 (the last frost for STL is April 15th).   That means that I should start my seeds...
  11. Brendon Douglah

    overwintering Growing superhot chile plants indoors in the winter with an Electric Sky light

    Also, I was reading that LED lights typically do not produce as many lumens as other lights, but are better for photosynthesis. Is this correct?
  12. Brendon Douglah

    overwintering Growing superhot chile plants indoors in the winter with an Electric Sky light

    This is one of those things that I got confused about. When I examine the official page for the Electric Sky product, I see no mention of lumen output anywhere:   Is there an easy way to determine this?
  13. Brendon Douglah

    overwintering Growing superhot chile plants indoors in the winter with an Electric Sky light

    Hello everyone,   I was wondering if anyone has experience growing superhots indoors with an Electric Sky light? Is this light powerful enough for chile plants to flower and fruit?   Specifically, I have some plants that are trimmed for overwintering. I was thinking about purchasing one compact...
  14. Brendon Douglah


    Hello everyone, new to the forum. Just looking for some advise on a few things.