Recent content by afbb12

  1. afbb12

    Re-shaping umbrella shaped plants

    Hey everyone, So I have 2 plants of mine, both habaneros, that have become extremely umbrella shaped. As they continue to grow they are growing horizontally and a few branches are even moving towards the ground. Are there any methods to train the plants to grow upwards or should I just trim the...
  2. afbb12

    Can't keep a flower to save my life

    They have been flowering off and on all winter, they were under lights until about 3 weeks ago. I didn't expect fruit to set under those lights though, just thought something would have changed by now outside in the nice weather.
  3. afbb12

    Can't keep a flower to save my life

    So I have 6 flowering peppers at the moment, all of them seem healthy and happy with their environment. Its been about 85 during the day and 65 at night, about 6 hours of direct sunlight, they aren't over or under-watered, and I only give them a fish/seaweed fertilizer every couple weeks. The...
  4. afbb12

    lighting Sunlight and shadow vs LED Lights

    Hey everyone, I have overwintered my peppers and have finally begun hardening them off outside and they seem about ready to remain outdoors. They have direct sun from 8 am to 1 pm and then the sun goes behind our house. In your opinion would it be more beneficial for them to remain outside in...