Recent content by 2fishminimum

  1. 2fishminimum

    fermenting to ferment or not to ferment

    thanks hop head. i must have missed that part.. i guess thats why they call it dope huh? haha..
  2. 2fishminimum

    fermenting to ferment or not to ferment

    yea.. read that twice b4 posted my question.. no offense hophead, but it didnt answer the why, or the flavor differences. is it ONLY for flavor, or spoilage prevention? or both?.. if it is for flavor, what kind of flavor does this impart?
  3. 2fishminimum

    Lack of buds and flowers

    i started a bunch of plants in 3 gal pots, and they did the same thing.. then thru this forum, i found that larger pots helps pod development in a lot of cases. it sure did in plants started podding up with in 2 weeks of transplant.. the plants i have in 5 gals are good, and the...
  4. 2fishminimum

    fermenting to ferment or not to ferment

    Hi everybody, I know there is a thread on this forum about the differences in sauces that were made from fermented mash and those that were made with out, but i cant seem to find it.. ive done several searches. can sombody please explain the main differences in flavor of sauces made with a...
  5. 2fishminimum

    chicken manure mixed with mushroom compost

    so +1 on the composting of all manures you use.. make sure they are well broken down and not raw.. store bought poo is composted already so your good if you go that route.. as for your mix, use 2 shovels of native soil, 2 of pete, 2 of your mushroom/manure compost, 1 each of vermiculite, and...
  6. 2fishminimum

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    i dont have any pics, but ive made about 5 batches so far. while i dont seem to get quite the same head formation that most people seem to get on this thread (even though i am using what appears to be the same ingredients as most) I have some plants that are just growing like mad from it. one...
  7. 2fishminimum

    tracks on a leaf?

    that is 100% leaf miners.. im very familiar with them as they attack my citrus like crazy.. the only way to cure it that i know of with with a systemic pesticide, but i bet some one on this site knows a better way..
  8. 2fishminimum

    H202 and/or aspirin for bac spot

    hey pepperwhisperer. i got a pretty bad run of bac spot this year too with a bunch of seedlings. i believe they were infected at the greenhouse they were shipped from, AND it was made worse by trop. storm debbie.. and the fact that i thought it was just stress from shipping.. any ways...
  9. 2fishminimum

    BigBodyBussey's GLOG, uh, well, sort of...

    your plants look great. are those all AACT volunteers?
  10. 2fishminimum

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    yea i dont know if its not enough or not.. the last batch i made i only put in one tbsp, and it foamed better than my previous batches.. i was really just posting that site for people to get an idea of different view points.
  11. 2fishminimum

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    temps get about 95 plus here in central florida in the shade. i brew mine in the carport.. is that too hot? this may be posted already, but i thought some of you may find it interesting http://www.gardening...aarticle2.shtml this is from the above site.. There are many recipes available...
  12. 2fishminimum

    Peppers are producing like mad this year!

    wow... fantastic pepper garden. just fantastic.. i hope my garden looks like that next season.
  13. 2fishminimum

    omg what is this insect on my plant @___@

    ive seen these for sale on some web sites.
  14. 2fishminimum

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    UPDATE for you all.... I added a 2nd bubbler, and now have the first signs of a larger foam building. im at 40ish hours now.. gonna wait till moringing and apply. just thought you all may find this interesting.
  15. 2fishminimum

    La Haciendas table sauce

    there is a restaurant in orlando called La Hacienda. they have this AMAZING habenero sauce. its based with tomato.. has onion and garlic, lime.. ive tried about 20 times to get close.. cant seem to do it.. so i just buy it when i have a hankerin for it.. anybody ever been there and try...