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preservation Vinegar Reaper Sauce in 10 min

It is pretty easy to make, and takes about 10 minutes:
500 mL of vinegar
85g of dried crushed chillies medium intensity
5g of Carolina Reapers
2g salt
Toss everything into the blender (in any order) and grind the seeds until they are not visible in the sauce, taste and see if it is ready! Actually now that I've had that sauce in my food for over a week I can say that it is hot enough, doesn't really need any more heat. I would test another vinegar than I had (malt vinegar).
Next I'm going to do some fermenting. I'll post a video of how that goes.
Neat quickie recipe. One thing I may add is, when you put the dry ingredients in the blender, and the vinegar, let it sit overnight before you hit blend. This will let the dry ingredients rehydrate, so you don't have to keep "grinding" and letting the blender cool. It will be one time.