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preservation Vinegar ratio in Chocolate Moruga Sauce?

I can't find a finite answer on vinegar ratio in this thread everything is vague and I really don't have a PH tester so I have to rely on cup measurements.
So This is my basic recipe and I am curious if I messed it up or will it be safe to store it:
8 Chocolate Moruga peppers
3 Cups of sliced carrots
1 Onion sliced
1/2 Cup of white alcohol vinegar (marketed for pickling) that has  9% acidity! 9%!
2-3 Cups of water so that carrots can cook properly (I can reduce later)
salt, pepper
Currently I am still cooking it, as the carrots take a while to soften (about 2 hours). Once it cooks I will blend it. At the moment it is quite sour and very hot.
If you plan to store it in the fridge you'll be fine. If you want to keep it room temp/shelf stable then I would recommend checking the pH. SalsaLady can probably chime in on measurements with a lot more authority.