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flavor Poppy Seeds in a Hot Sauce?

I have a jar of poppy seeds sitting nearby and it got me thinking: would poppy seeds do anything in a sauce?
Color and texture, maybe yes. Taste some straight, see if you get any unique flavor worth working with?
Might want to make a spicy salad dressing. Lemon, poppy, peppers. I like my hot sauces smoother. Even the random seed bothers me.
Color and texture, maybe yes. Taste some straight, see if you get any unique flavor worth working with?

Good point. Might make for a real funny looking sauce. Could be good if the sauce needs to darken up a bit.

Grind them into paste to get flavour, other then that , great in Bread :)

Yeah, I use them on top of rye for design and a bit of crunch.

Might want to make a spicy salad dressing. Lemon, poppy, peppers. I like my hot sauces smoother. Even the random seed bothers me.

That's kind of what I was thinking, but realized I was unsure if poppy seed flavor is really enough to come through in any sauces, really.
I use poppy seeds in making currypowder, so if you're in for making some Bengal style sauce they should come in handy.
Must say that if i don't use them in my curry mix the taste does not alter much...
If you are looking for a crunch and big taste in your sauce i would recommend Nigella seeds (black cumin)
I use them a lot whole in Indian food but they also blend in very well in Mexican cuisine.
I use poppy seeds in making currypowder, so if you're in for making some Bengal style sauce they should come in handy.
Must say that if i don't use them in my curry mix the taste does not alter much...
If you are looking for a crunch and big taste in your sauce i would recommend Nigella seeds (black cumin)
I use them a lot whole in Indian food but they also blend in very well in Mexican cuisine.
That's a good idea with the Nigella seeds! They have a really good taste to them.

Honestly, I'm just rolling recipes around in my head and seeing what sticks.

Might be worth starting another thread, but given the explosion of available hotsauces out there these days, I wonder how much hotsauce has gone the way of beard oils (or wines) where you're buying more into the label or the marketing than the actual product itself. E.g. beard oils are stupid easy to make and the vast majority of sales comes from marketing. Wine is, broadly, purchased based on the label more than any other factor.

Edit: Sorry, that was a half-baked paragraph. The point of which is to say: I wonder how many novel spices or seasonings really end up as truly good hot sauces vs thematic sauces. I.e. if I had a poppy themed brand, adding poppy seeds for the branding theme
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