beer Passow Brews: Stone Oatmeal Chocolate Stout

imaguitargod said:
Have about 4 aging in the basement (going to have one a year) and about 4 more. The bitterness is still there and it tastes AMAZING!!!
that's pretty awesome. i looked over their recipes and some are more complex than others, but the vertical epic stuff specifically was interesting. I also got a chuckle over the fact they listen to the same reggae i play at home when i'm screwing around in the kitchen, but that's another thread.

ANy idea which of their beers they give out the recipes for? Their website is a little difficult to navigate.
fineexampl said:
that's pretty awesome. i looked over their recipes and some are more complex than others, but the vertical epic stuff specifically was interesting. I also got a chuckle over the fact they listen to the same reggae i play at home when i'm screwing around in the kitchen, but that's another thread.

ANy idea which of their beers they give out the recipes for? Their website is a little difficult to navigate.

Umm, all of them I think. But! If you know where to look, you can get the clone recipies from various back issues of home brew magaziners (I have alot of their recipies).
fineexampl said:
ANy idea which of their beers they give out the recipes for? Their website is a little difficult to navigate.

Have you guys ever called the brewmasters of any breweries? Most of those guys are really cool, and they will convert their recipes to homebrew sized batches for you. Dogfish Head is the only brewery that I have called that has refused to help a brother out.
Most brew masters are cool people that remember what it's like to be a home brewer. Perhaps he has forgotten amidst all of his commercial success.
Thanatopsis said:
Looks delicious. Did you buy a clone kit or throw it together yourself and buy everything separate?

I don't do kits. This was a clone recipe I had from Stone Brewery themselves an dI changed one or two things.