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organic Organic remedies

Hi I just posted this in the hornworm thread but thout it might be usefull to have in its own thread.

Experience with any of the caterpillers means I now spray my plants with a dipel solution every 3-4 weeks.. It is a biological spray that doesnt affect humans or animals but kills caterpillers by interfering with their gut. The only problem now is that big multinational seed cos are now GEing the bascillus bacterial into corn and cotton and other plants so down the track we are going to have lots of caterpillers that are resistant to dipel.
You can also collect a heap of caterpillers and blend them up in a blender, strain and spray onto your plants.
A garlic spray kills most bugs too. Crush up a cup of garlic, then put enough mineral oil ( parafin) into the cup to just cover the garlic. Leave it to soak for 24 hours. Strain out the bits and mix in equal parts( equal to the amount of parafin) of soft soap (lux, sunlight soap) or similar and water. Bottle and keep in fridge. To use it dilute at least 10 times with water and spray onto plants. Hot chilli can be added to the garlic during the parafin soak to make an extra strong brew (which helps keep pesky mammals away too). As with any homemade solution(or any new fertilizer, fungicide or pesticide) test your diluted spray on a small part of the the plant first to make sure your not hurting your pride and joy.
I use organic remedies on my plants as I like to know what I am eating.

I also use neem which is great as a pesticide and a general plant tonic.
Hi I just posted this in the hornworm thread but thout it might be usefull to have in its own thread.

Experience with any of the caterpillers means I now spray my plants with a dipel solution every 3-4 weeks.. It is a biological spray that doesnt affect humans or animals but kills caterpillers by interfering with their gut. The only problem now is that big multinational seed cos are now GEing the bascillus bacterial into corn and cotton and other plants so down the track we are going to have lots of caterpillers that are resistant to dipel.
You can also collect a heap of caterpillers and blend them up in a blender, strain and spray onto your plants.
A garlic spray kills most bugs too. Crush up a cup of garlic, then put enough mineral oil ( parafin) into the cup to just cover the garlic. Leave it to soak for 24 hours. Strain out the bits and mix in equal parts( equal to the amount of parafin) of soft soap (lux, sunlight soap) or similar and water. Bottle and keep in fridge. To use it dilute at least 10 times with water and spray onto plants. Hot chilli can be added to the garlic during the parafin soak to make an extra strong brew (which helps keep pesky mammals away too). As with any homemade solution(or any new fertilizer, fungicide or pesticide) test your diluted spray on a small part of the the plant first to make sure your not hurting your pride and joy.
I use organic remedies on my plants as I like to know what I am eating.

I also use neem which is great as a pesticide and a general plant tonic.

Nice post and very informative, thanks. Have you got any other treatments? I tend to like the home-made process because it doesn't depend on big business. I make my own calcium phosphate from burnt eggshells and vinegar because like many things here; I can't find a single source for a calcium supplement. Cheers.
Try fermenting ground up garlic and ginger,with a third molasses, put into a blender a cup of garlic, a cup ginger and two cups of water mash up real good place into a jar, with two cups of molasses mix let it set for two weeks, i cover a jar with some kink of material like a old sheet or burlap so the mix can get air. strain use two tablespoons to a gal of water along with 2 tablespoons of Ivory or Murphy's soap. do not use any kind of detergent as it will burn your plants. works great for me.
Try fermenting ground up garlic and ginger,with a third molasses, put into a blender a cup of garlic, a cup ginger and two cups of water mash up real good place into a jar, with two cups of molasses mix let it set for two weeks, i cover a jar with some kink of material like a old sheet or burlap so the mix can get air. strain use two tablespoons to a gal of water along with 2 tablespoons of Ivory or Murphy's soap. do not use any kind of detergent as it will burn your plants. works great for me.

Al, thanks, that's great and I can get everything but molasses. Thailand is a huge sugar cane growing country, but I've never seen molasses. Would raw sugar work? I can get that no prob; in fact that's the only sugar I'll eat. Cheers.
Yes raw sugar will work, anything to feed the bacteria molasses is just cheaper here and most places. any sugar except refined it has some kinds of bleach in it to make it white.