powder-flake Newbie with powders

I`m a complete novice with powder making, especially mixes, so what do you experts think of this mix?
Red and Orange Scotch Bonnets, Bishops Crowns, Inca Drops and Manzanos. About 70% bonnets for flavour and heat, 20% baccatums for sweetness and flavor, 10% Manzanos for who knows what, I just love Manzanos.
Seriously true.
Keep them seperate.
As a fellow non expert in the craft, if they are seperate, you can try again.
All together, you have to live with it.
Small batches, carefully measured----till you find the magic combo.
I even keep 2 of some kinds, smoked and virgin.
Do we get caste upgrades in this guild of alchemy?
There has to be levels between flogging your own innards, and having people beg and pay to have your flogging. :twisted: