Its a me, Iwan

Hi every1, its ya boy (well im a grown up now 23) but I have been growing peppers ever since I got blasted by a chilli that is 16 years old.
So I firmly believe it is great to grow your own, I like to grow the hottest of the hot and some for flavour.
This year I grow:

Choc Primotalii from Atomic Pepperseeds
Caramel Reaper from Puckerbutt pepper company
Primotalii from Atomic Pepperseeds
7 pot brown from Semillas La palma
Kashmiri Pepper from Semillas la Palma
Manzano Pepper from ^
Jalapeno pepper from ^.
Bell peppers from da store

I want to know how to crossbreed peppers and I also want to maximize the genetics available. I have recently gained interest in the Reapers from Revolutionary Hot Sauce, And the above mentioned super hots from Jimmy Pickles. Sadly they do not ship seeds to Europe. So I hope I can get to know people to extend my knowledge, buy or sell or swap seeds and to get to know other people.