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flavor Hot sauce came out tasting like hot liquid - no flavor

Fermented for a month with half a pound of Brazilian Starfish, 1 lemons-worth of lemon juice, and a clove of garlic, and after it was all done, I was left with hot liquid. Like, it taste hot, and that's it. Zero flavor at all. Are there any suggestions for tweaking my recipe to give it some kind of flavor kick? What ingredients are recommended to add taste to the ferment?
Any help is appreciated.
For additional info, I used 2 cups of brine in the ferment and added all of it to the final product.
karoo said:
The lemon juice before fermentation?
High acidity will stop the fermentation and Baccatums are never good in ferments in my humble opinion.
Well it was bubbling and keeping my airlock fully loaded, so I think the ferment was fine. I feel like it's an ingredient problem.
Sounds like you might want to add some more salt and/or vinegar and/or sweetener (like sugar or honey, etc) to bring out some flavor from the sauce.
I'd pour it out into a pan, heat until just simmering and then start adding and tasting as you go.  