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recipe Fermented (mild) Scotch Bonnet sauce

Cooked the peppers with garlic(*), garlic powder, salt and a couple cups of vinegar. Started with 2 quarts of peppers that fermented on the counter for three weeks. Put it in a blender and puréed it. Cooked it down some more and added a touch of hot pepper powder that I made last week from some ghost peppers.

It’s similar to Frank’s, but maybe a bit tangy-er and a little salty. Recommend if you salt ferment peppers use less than the recipe calls for. Two quarts of fermented peppers made just over a quart of sauce. If experience is any guide, it will taste better after it sits a while.


* - we grow garlic over winter. Best way to preserve garlic we’ve found is to grind it up, put it in glass canning jars with lids, top it off with water, put lid on and put in freezer. stays like fresh garlic.
Guess I’ll continue my own thread. Three weeks ago we picked some peppers. I believe some normal, hot, scotch bonnets which matured to a yellow color but looked similar to the prolific mild SB’s that matured red. Also picked an assortment of unknown peppers. Most were supposed to be bell peppers but weren’t. Several in the mix were warm, most were mild which created a bit of a conundrum.

In any case we picked them, along with some known hot ones (ghost, scorpion, reaper, not sure - things got lost in translation between the sticks of seeds losing their marking and planting). So they became mixed (hot) peppers.

Fermented both for three weeks. Made the SBs into sauce yesterday using a fairly basic recipe: salt (went easy since they had been brined), honey, garlic, cider vinegar. Except for the puke yellow color the sauce isn’t half bad. I did add some xanthan gum as an experiment. Today I did the mixed reds. Mixed cider and white vinegar, smoked paprika, garlic, bay leaf. Hotter than the SBs but not terrible, but a different heat in terms of intensity and linger. processed both up via pressure canner, so it will be good for a while. Figure with El Yucateca at $2.50 for four ounces I have $50 and a years supply of hot sauce for chicken, sausage, eggs, etc. I put some of the SB sauce on ham and lentil soup tonight, it was good, but I had to blow my nose halfway through.
