frutescens annuum vs. frutescens

Quite often there is confusion between some varieties of annuum,(mostly thai peppers) and frutescens. Hopefully this will help with I.D. issues. It can seem tricky,but it is very simple. The pictures below are basic or run-of-the-mill examples of each species.
First up is Orange Thai, C.annuum L.  I picked this specific plant because Thai in general get confused with frutescens, their pods tend to point skyward and usually the fruit are in clusters. They are however very different. The skin,flavor,heat profile are all dissimilar.
As diverse as annuums are,they all have a single fruit per node. There are no exceptions. Some ornamental annuums have a very dense growth habit but if inspected thoroughly, one will see seperate nodes. You're TYPICAL annuum(in this case thai)will also have a snow white flower,white filaments,and blue/purple anthers. The calyx will also have small teeth and ribbing.





A bump please???
C.frutescens have almost zero variability,if you have seen one,you have seen them all....almost. There are a couple rare ones that have different colored foliage,flowers,and fruit shape. You could easily count them on one hand. The traits that frutescens will have are multiple fruits per node,deciduous fruit(immediately fall off when ripe),thin skin,Smooth calyx with almost no visible teeth or ridges,and a greenish yellow corolla with purple filaments and blue/purple anthers.







Again,this is very basic. If anyone can add to,or correct anything that is wrong,feel free. Take care.
You're TYPICAL annuum(in this case thai)will also have a snow white flower,white filaments,and blue/purple anthers. The calyx will also have small teeth and ribbing.

I always thought they were exclusively white. That is until I grew purple jalapenos for the 1st time. I was quite thrown by the purple flowers.
Jeff H said:


I always thought they were exclusively white. That is until I grew purple jalapenos for the 1st time. I was quite thrown by the purple flowers.
There are a ton of annuums. A lot of the ornamentals are purple,they will still have a single fruit per node.

buddy said:
Thanks for the info - very informative. Great pictures too!
Thanks T
wayright said:
Very nice piccys JB  :P
What pepper is that yellow frut flower from
HopsNBarley said:
Great information and some badassed pics for illustration!
Thanks Pr0d!
Thanks bro. Hope it can help someone. Should probably be in I.D. thread.
I was wondering about this recently as I was looking at expanding my cayenne collection.  Some have cayennes as c. annuum and others as a fructescens. I realize some chilies may get a cayenne appellation because of their shape. I guess I will be able to tell next summer when I'm growing them.  Thanks.