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    Hot sauce and interesting ingredients

    I've noticed that many of the hot sauce recipes I've seen on this site and on the web look extremely similar. Many of them are like carbon copies of each other. I was wondering if anyone has any recipes with "unusual" ingredients instead of the same old things. One interesting ingredient that...
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    Pepper rot

    Some have had holes develop within the flesh of the peppers, but none have quite looked like perfect round holes....more like just open wounds with mushy edges. I can't comment on the bhuts though since I saw the damage before it got to the point where an actual hole was in the peppers.
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    Pepper rot

    Hey guys, this is my first year growing peppers in earnest and I'm still learning a lot. I have about 40 species growing now with good looking plants for the most part. I had trouble with flower drop with the horrible heat and humidity here in South Carolina, but most of my plants have set at...
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    Where's the heat?

    Hey guys, Quick question for all you more experienced chiliheads... I have some cayennes going along with my other exotic species. I like the mild heat from these for cooking and pickling. However, so far none of my peppers have any heat! I've harvested some green and once they've turned...
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    Gibberillic Acid

    I'm with you Wayright....maybe we should have kept this little gem to ourselves!!
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    Gibberillic Acid

    Don't hate until you've tried it!! Good or bad, it does something!!
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    Gibberillic Acid

    Sorry I don't have any pics for before and after, but I'm on call at the hospital and haven't had time. Also, I honestly didn't think that the stuff would work. I will say that my annums do have a leggy appearance with increased internodal distance, but man they have just shot up. I don't...
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    Gibberillic Acid

    Just wanted to let everyone know about my success with gibberillic acid. I started with some seedlings that were approximately 6 inches tall. I sprayed them with a solution of 200 ppm gibberillic acid. I didn't see much activity for 3-4 days. However, after that, the plants started growing...
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    Crazy Manzanos

    Those are freaking huge! I've got some manzanos going now, but they are still babies. I would love to get a few seeds if you have any left as well. Outstanding job man.
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    seeds Saving seeds...

    I just recently bought some great looking poblanos at the supermarket. I saved all the seeds and actually planted a few to see if they would germinate. As for the remainder of the there any special set of steps that I need to take to preserve them? So far, I've dried them out on...
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    sun Morning sun or evening sun?

    Straticus, That's good to know that I'm not the only one. My bhuts look just like the pics you've posted! I was freaking out. So now that begs the question......should I just put them right back out in the direct light or should I give them a day or two to recover a bit? Also, another...
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    sun Morning sun or evening sun?

    I have about 70 plants that I put outside in the shade about 2 weeks ago. They've been doing great so I decided to put them in direct sunlight about 3 days ago. They all seemed to tolerate things well when the temps were in the 70s. Today the heat got up to about 90 so I checked on them...
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    Where can I get Pro-Mix BX?

    Premiere horticulture is the manufacturere for Pro-Mix and the above link takes you to the retail store locator. But, be careful. Follow the directions above because there is also a distributor's locator page which will show you distributor locations, but you can only buy from them if you have...
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    Where can I get Pro-Mix BX?

    Roadhouse, Go to Premier Horticulture's home page: Next click on the Consumer Web link. You should then see a graphic link on the right of the screen. The link changes every second or so, but when you see the words "Where to buy PRO-MIX"...
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    S 510 Would Make it Illegal to Grow Your Own Food

    This is a bill and an idea that I had not heard about before. Firstly, does it surprise Does it scare me....yes. I do not feel as if I am a conspiracy theorist, but the folks in office now are really starting to look as if a socialist government is what they want and they are trying...
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    Sweetest peppers ever!

    POTAWIE, I guess now that I think about it, I've really only extensively tried green bell peppers. Have always just assumed that the red and yellow varieties were simply for asthetic value in cooking. We all know what happens when you ASSume right?! Anyway, this thread is turning out well...
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    Sweetest peppers ever!

    Lots of great comments guys....keep it coming! In reading some of the replies and info online, it seems that numerous bells are often described as sweet. My taste buds do not fully agree with this statement. Bells are certainly not hot, but I would dare describe them as sweet. When I think...
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    Sweetest peppers ever!

    What are the sweetest peppers you guys have ever grown. Also, give a definition of sweet with reference to the variety you list. I am growing sweet banana, shishito, and chervena chushka peppers this year. I have never eaten any of I'll let you know once I have some pods!
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    sun Sunlight requirements...

    Hey guys, quick question about sunlight requirements. I have about 70 plants outside in containers now. They've been outside for about 1.5 weeks and I've only lost one so far (a Thai hot). I have them all against one of the wall of my house which stays in shade all day long. I guess I've...
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    arringdd Grow Log 2010

    SS, I think you are correct. What I have is probably "potting soil" and not truly a mix. However, I guess I have kind of created a mix of sorts. I definitely have lots to learn! At any rate, I'm not at home with a bag right now, but if memory serves, the ProMix that I have contains roughly...