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  1. growyourown

    2023/2024, wiicek, Let's Make BalcoJungle!

    nice work. jungle is taking shape
  2. growyourown

    SineNomine 2024

    that white one is just wow
  3. growyourown

    favorite Favorite chinense? Perfume, meh!

    apocalypse chocolate scorpion
  4. growyourown

    GyO presents: '24 BONNET BONANZA + revenge of the fifth

    thanks marc! i must agree it is rather lovely. and this is the best it has EVER looked on planting-out day. usually i have >20 runty scraggly seedlings mixed in there who wind up getting overshadowed and producing nothing, but this year almost every single plant is looking strong and healthy...
  5. growyourown

    baccatum What's the consensus on Sugar Rush Peach?

    that was me last year. i tried to grow all five major types, but i did not succeed in growing any frutescens to fruit. this will change this year, a lotah bih already has one forming on it.
  6. growyourown

    baccatum What's the consensus on Sugar Rush Peach?

    yeah so for me last year, in addition to simply trying to grow baccatum for the first time, the aim was to try some interesting kinds that were lower on the heat scale, but still hotter than what my wife was used to tolerating. she said the small sliver of SRP i gave her to taste DID NOT SEEM...
  7. growyourown

    baccatum What's the consensus on Sugar Rush Peach?

    i found it nice fresh. not much flavour, just a general bell-type mild taste. good low-level heat to it. i felt like it would be good in a salad or on a burger, or anywhere else you might use a jalapeno or banana/wax. what you read could also be referring to the fact that many baccatums, to...
  8. growyourown

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    are they growing naturally that bushy shape or did you top them?
  9. growyourown

    2024 GLOG Begins

    moruga black jack, those stems is DARK! 😍
  10. growyourown

    SineNomine 2024

    looking sweet; i love those colourful pots you use.
  11. growyourown

    GyO presents: '24 BONNET BONANZA + revenge of the fifth

    DIRT DAY HAPPENED! the wife said last year i could not get any more planter boxes, so i only got one new one this year! my daughter is helping use the hose, and up on the deck are mom holding baby. more pics: left side boxes: left-centre section...
  12. growyourown

    pests Fungus gnats!

    glad to report that just through bringing the plants outside each day for the last week for hardening, i see hardly any gnats anymore. 🙂
  13. growyourown

    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    i have 12 plants of C.pube. going this year, huzzah! 5x rio hualaga (orange) 5x giant yellow rocoto 2x ecuadorian pepper from hell (red) pics in my GLOG
  14. growyourown

    GyO presents: '24 BONNET BONANZA + revenge of the fifth

    possible frost again tonight, thinking it's best to wait until next weekend to plant outside. they could use some more hardening off first anyway. here's the totals of what i showed pics of the other day: (P) rio hualaga: 5 (P) giant yellow rocoto: 5 (P) EPFH: 2 (F) lotah bih: 3 (F?) hijo...
  15. growyourown

    GyO presents: '24 BONNET BONANZA + revenge of the fifth

    shaking things up with a surprise update: nothing major. just had the plants outside again and had the time and willingness to take the "family" photos of them. (WARNING: picture-heavy) and this was after being outside and prior to a water; ALL THE DROOPY ONES ARE JUST DRY NOT ILL, I PROMISE...
  16. growyourown

    pests Fungus gnats!

    sounds like aphids are like that, way more deadly inside because nothing to keep them in check. i suppose that if the gnats "gnaturally" move about in the soil as any animal would, they should disperse away from the root balls. but it's such good eatin', and animals also tend to stay nearby...
  17. growyourown

    pests Fungus gnats!

    i have fungus gnats BAD! will i need to rinse all the roots before i plant out to my backyard raised beds? or will the potential future harm become negligible because they will be moving into 1000x more soil than they are in now? can the gnats remain or become a worse problem outdoors, and...
  18. growyourown

    GyO presents: '24 BONNET BONANZA + revenge of the fifth

    thanks everyone. we're still all doing well, i had 5 weeks off work for parental leave and just started back this past week. life is good. just a small update. weather has been pretty great but often windy. today was the plants' first day going outside on the deck for the afternoon: amazingly...
  19. growyourown

    misc It's not a pod! FFS

    i was specifically speaking to your point about use of the word in recipes, and gave reasons why it would never be used in that specific situation regardless of its suitability in common parlance. also i did read the whole thread and posted in it earlier as well. and ffs is "for fuck's sake"...