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  1. C

    water Self wicking bucket

    For next season I’m planning on growing some peppers in 5 gallon buckets. I’ve decided to make the self wicking kind by putting two buckets together. I have a couple questions. Is it better to use a “wick” of cloth vs a cup through the e center drilled full of holes? And for the overflow drain...
  2. C

    breeding Learning about saving hybrid seeds and creating my own variety

    I have 4 F2 primeros red plants grown from seeds from some F1 parents last year. 3 of them have red fruit that is primarily smaller similar to habaneros, but red, and one has yellow fruit that is mostly larger fruit. I am wanting to keep selecting the best fruits and eventually having an open...
  3. C

    seeds Primeros red yellow?

    I grew my own starter plants last winter from Leftover seeds harvested from my own plants the year before. I only have ever had orange habaneros and primeros red habaneros. In my garden I planted 7 plants this spring. I planted 3 orange habaneros and 4 primeros reds. One of my reds is abundant...
  4. C

    spicy popcorn

    I have several mason jars of dried pepper powder in my cupboard from this year's pepper crop. It's come in handy for a lot of things like ramen noodles. Lately I've been putting about 1/8 of a teaspoon in my popcorn oil along with my popcorn seasoning and making spicy popcorn. It is pretty...
  5. C

    cooking hot sauce from powder

    I have several Mason jars of dehydrated ground peppers from this year's garden. The powders are all fine ground. For hot sauce do you lose any flavor by not using fresh peppers? If so do you have to add extra spices to compensate? I dehydrated and ground A LOT lol probably more than I'll use in...
  6. C

    breeding holy Cross pollination Batman

    I'm out there cleaning off my plants for the last harvest. These peppers all came off an orange habanero plant that was growing next to a red ghost. I've heard of this before but it's obvious that several of these habaneros have ghosts like characteristics. Does this mean they are more ghosts...
  7. C

    end of season

    Is it worth saving all these full size yet immature peppers that haven't turned yet and are still green? I'm talking reapers ghosts habaneros stuff like that. I got quite a few on there especially the ghost peppers that haven't turned yet and they're not going to make it. I'm just not sure if...
  8. C

    fermenting first time ferment

    Hi all. I got tons of peppers and I need to do something with them before they go bad. I've already frozen a bunch, sold some, dehydrated and made jars of powder, and made simple cook and blend hot sauces for me and my friends. I thought about trying to ferment some of the rest. Looks fairly...
  9. C

    cull baby peppers or not

    My mature pepper plants from last year's garden, that have been growing in pots indoors all winter, had a young crop of baby peppers prior to me transplanting them outdoors last week. The habaneros are between the size of a pea and a small cherry and most of them are orange. Are they going to...
  10. C

    hardening plants

    I have 5 mature pepper plants that came out of last Summer's garden and were potted and have been under the grow light all winter long. They all have little baby peppers on them right now. I also have four or five seedlings that were started in November and are in small 1 quart pots currently...
  11. C

    need help selecting grow light

    Is there one light that can work to flower plants indoors that are already grown as well as grow plants for next year from seedlings? I moved my mature plants indoors the other day and i have a bunch started in styrofoam cups. I would like to be able to continue to harvest peppers through the...
  12. C

    Need a recommendation fort a grow light

  13. C

    pH need a good cheap pH meter and other questions

    I would like to get a good cheap pH meter for when I make hot sauce. I don't make hot sauce on a regular basis so I don't want to spend a lot. I usually make a large batch in the fall that's enough to last me till next summer. All the PH meters I see listed on Amazon say they are for testing...
  14. C

    peppers rotting on tips

    My jumbo jalapenos are rotting on the tips before they get mature. I googled it and found out this could be to a variety of problems including soil deficiency. So I put a fertilizer in my soil that had nitrogen and other stuff in it. They are still having this problem. I am not over watering my...
  15. C

    more questions

    In my box I have 2 jumbo jalepeno plants, another species of chili pepper (can't remember), one tiny ghost pepper plant, and 3 habanero plants. The two jalepenos, one chili, the ghost, and one of the habanero plants were all bought at the same time. All except the ghost were normal size healthy...
  16. C

    Another update on plants advice needed

    A couple weeks ago I posted about my two transplanted pepper plants. I hibernated them inside this winter and then transported on a Saturday. The next day Sunday/Monday it got down to 35 and overnight. This was unexpected as they were predicting low 40s. The leaves on both (habanero and ghost)...
  17. C

    Cold snap leaves turned white

    Last night got a little colder than predicted and hit 35 degrees F. My two full size plants (ghost and habanero) have leaves that are wilting and white. My smaller plants from the greenhouse look fine. Do I need to be concerned or will these bigger plants most likely shed the dead leaves and...
  18. C

    Bottle lids?

    Aren't you technically supposed to discard bottle lids after use and reuse the bottles with new lids? I have been saving my old lids and running them through the dishwasher with the bottles. I've looked extensively and all I can find is new bottles that come with lids. I must be missing...
  19. C

    Question about planter box size.

    I got two pallet crates from work today that need fixed up. One is 34x36x17 deep and the other is 30x24x15 deep. Of my four plants that I tried to hibernate in the house over the winter two of them survived. I was wondering with the dimensions of both of these crates how many pepper plants I...
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    overwintering Hibernating pepper plants indoors over winter

    I have four pepper plants inside keeping them alive till next spring. I have one ghost pepper plants, two habanero plants, and one jalapeño plant. I pruned all of the plants back, put fresh potting soil around the roots, and put preen in the soil in on the plants before bringing them inside...