Recent content by Minion s1

  1. Minion s1

    Is this root rot?

    A couple others have tipped over, but no visible stem damage like with the basil. I just figured they got too top heavy + me no using a fan to strengthen them.
  2. Minion s1

    Is this root rot?

    First time growing hydroponically. Came home to my basil plant on its side. Idk if maybe the stem is just weak from no fan and got too top heavy. (The basil has exploded in growth lately) or if this is root rot.
  3. Minion s1

    hydroponic Got a hydroponic setup for christmas, any tips?

    Unfortunately, most don't go into a lot of detail. For example I read that a dead plant can spread root rot to the other plants. Does that include culled seedlings? Also, I feel like over relying on their products for nutes, etc, won't be the most cost effective. So, a good crash course in...
  4. Minion s1

    hydroponic Got a hydroponic setup for christmas, any tips?

    i was hoping to grow peppers in it, but idk how effective it needs to be for it. its the 12 pod system, i doubt id use all 12 for peppers tho. (or is spacing less of an issue in hydro?) any decent guides you can recommend?
  5. Minion s1

    hydroponic Got a hydroponic setup for christmas, any tips?

    I don't know the first thing about growing hydroponically. I got an IDOO system today. I usually grow in containers, but idk how much different this is. id assume overwatering is an issue?
  6. Minion s1

    SOS Caterpillars are attacking!!!

      actually, with how things are, once they are on the plants, the birds can't get to them. there's a lot of cats in the neiborhood that like to play with stuff like house plants, and i keep the plants in a bit of a caged enclosure.
  7. Minion s1

    SOS Caterpillars are attacking!!!

    Last year i had a big problem with caterpillars.   I had a dozen habanero plants, and i'd find 1-3 caterpillars per plant, every couple of weeks. Some of my plants were even bitten in half.   This year i'm only growing a couple white habs; and i'm afraid that i'm in for a repeat of last year...
  8. Minion s1

    Curled leaves, mostly on new growth - what is it?

    spidermites usually cause the plants to wilt when in direct sunlight...even if they have water, so i don't think that's the problem.   if the epsom salts didn't fix it; i'd try flushing the soil.
  9. Minion s1

    growing ginseng/yellowroot/goldenseal?

    trying to think of a way to make a small amount of extra cash by growing something that was profitable without having to grow it in bulk; and i remembered going hunting for yellowroot and ginseng when i was younger, and thought the answer might be there... does anyone know anything on the...
  10. Minion s1

    jalabañero seeds?

    anybody got/know where i can get some jalabañero seeds?
  11. Minion s1

    pinching tips?

    well this season i'm just growing a couple fatalii and i don't really know much about pinching/topping... about when should i pinch out the tip of the main stem?
  12. Minion s1

    pinching tips?

    well i usually just take off the leaves that are directly attached to the main stem. but i was wondering, could anyone give me some pointers on how to encourage branching?
  13. Minion s1

    NOw what have we here ??

    yea, that's what i was thinking
  14. Minion s1

    cheap dirt?

    well i found a compost facility that's not far from where i live...they'd proly have that type of stuff right? //edit// called em up, and they said they giveaway compost and mulch no soil mixes... i don't know much about composting but the guy said "as for what's in the compost depends on...
  15. Minion s1

    cheap dirt?

    well i mainly use miracle grow's cactus mix, but it can get a lil expensive... anybody know of any cheaper potting soils that i could use as a filler, and mix with the cactus mix, that i can trust not to have any infestations?