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New flower bed

Uncle Eckley

I put in a new bed yesterday at the east side of the house. Gonna grow an all purple flower garden. I've only ever grown flowers in containers. Will be fun.


Should make a nice flower bed with the fence
as a backstop. Watch out for the Morning Glory -
they will try to take over the whole bed! Are you
going to trellis them to the fence?
Should make a nice flower bed with the fence
as a backstop. Watch out for the Morning Glory -
they will try to take over the whole bed! Are you
going to trellis them to the fence?

Ayuh! I mean to leave a space between the fence and the next stuff for my pole trimmer to pass through. Hope it works.
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Maybe yours is a different variety than the ones in the yard
when we had in rental years ago. I believe the variety we
had was Heavenly Blue or something like that. Good advice
written on on that seed packet.

A clematis vine would look great on that fence :think: ;)
Maybe yours is a different variety than the ones in the yard
when we had in rental years ago. I believe the variety we
had was Heavenly Blue or something like that. Good advice
written on on that seed packet.

A clematis vine would look great on that fence :think: ;)

I don't know many flowers, had never heard of them. I'll see if they're available locally so I can get an established one. I've got a couple other sunny stretches of naked fence.

Looks like a nice bed to start with!

Thanks! Digging in the dirt is not my bag, but it seems to have turned out well enough. I tilled in a couple cubic feet of compost and topped with a few inches of garden soil. I'll sow when this heat breaks in a couple days.
Looks like a fun project! Gonna have to say Paul is on the right track with the Morning Glory. I'd skip that one for the bed there and use it somewhere it where it can grow without check. One of my favorite places I see people use them is the small 1-2' mailbox or lightpole(private) beds, with a wire trellis to climb.

If you put them in that bed, their either going to climb the fence, or the other plants.. Maybe both. The beauty of keeping them in a small solo bed, especially surrounded by 'mown area', is they will come back year after year if they aren't hardy in your area.. Bonus in a solo bed, problematic in a mixed bed.

Are you in hard clay? Daikon radish might be a fun add that would help amend the soil.. Not sure if they all have purple flowers, but those I have from Outside Pride do. Small flowers, huge radishes. Not sure how the flavor is, as we mainly use them as a no-till soil amendment.. I would guess they are the Elephant Garlic of the Radish world, based on what I've read.
Well, I want the Morning Glory to climb the fence.. I'm now bracing for a bigger problem than I expected, but I have a special reason for using them. Will report on my travails, of course, but know now that I won't begrudge you guys a bit of Schadenfreude. ;)
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Seeded a couple days ago. Second round of glads will go down in a few more days. Still just a potato. Fantastic forecast for germination for the coming week, though.
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Most of the cornflowers and around half of the morning glories are up!
Aubrieta and petunia are sprouting. Still looking for New England aster and gladiolus. I did a shit job of distributing my seeds. :neutral:
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I've only got Morning Glory, gladiolus, and a few seemingly struggling cornflowers. All the other sproutlings were dashed and washed away by heavy rains in their first few days. I guess I'll buy some plants to fill out the bed.
Thanks! Sure hope so! I need some stuff for the east end there.
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