nutrients Which Nutes Best To Use In Kratkey Method With Rockwool?

Hi there.  I am in process of trying something new.  I have a Bhut Jolokia started in rockwool with just plain water as of right now.  I started this in coffee filters then transferred to a rockwool cube the other day.  No other roots are showing through the cube yet.  I bought a net pot and have cut my hole for it in my lid.  I will be using a coffee can and have a 5000k LED light already.  I have the following nutes at my disposal to use and am wondering which would be best for this application.  I have the following:
The Green Up Solution : Green up solution is a special water treatment solution.  Using Green up solution reduces yellowing in clones and induces aggressive vegetative growth in young plants.
0.9-4.5-0 Hydroponic specialty nutrients. 
Wegeners Liquid Organic Based Fertilizer  8-6-6
If I use either one of these, at what strength would be best, as it will be a young plant.  I was thinking at 1/4 strength.  Also, this is a stand alone water system, no bubblers, etc.  I know nothing about hydroponics, but just wanted to try.  Thank you.
I'd avoid nutes until you have 2-3 sets of true leaves. You would not feed a 3 month old infant solid food...don't rush it.