shopping What light I should buy?

Hello I have problem with light. I read a lot about it and I know that the best will be led light but at the moment I haven’t enough money for it. I have very small ten peppers (I sowed it one week ago). I want to buy HPS light or T5/T8 bulbs.I don't have growbox but maybe I will buy it (or do it ) next month. I saw experiment without HPS vs CFL/MH and I don't understand why HPS are better (this have only 2100K but peepers with HPS light after 100days was much better than CFL).

I thinking about two T5 tube:
2X J BL SOLAR NATUR T5 ULTRA 1200mm - 54W (9000K) T5 115cm (quite big) or
1X CFL 200W PHYTOLITE 10300 lm - (6400K) or
1X HPS 150W CULTILITE AGRO SON T 16800 lm (2100K).

At the beggining I want keep peppers on windowsill and maybe later I will buy growbox for it. Suggestions for other lamps are welcome but not too expensive.
juanitos said:
i think you would be happy with an HID light, HPS or MH or CMH are all fine.
the only downside to HID lamps is they are too intense if you want to do many shelves in a small area..
something like this is very cheap and will grow anything 1m x 1m under it
I just spent a little more and got myself the 400w ipower HID and I am very happy with it! I wish I didn't spent extra money on t5 and Cfls and just got the i power from the start.
HPS are better than the other lights you listed because the ppfd is higher. However my LED's are putting of as much PPFD as a 500 Watt HPS at 36" from the canopy. And it's only costing me 10.00 more a month on the electric bill lighting 16 Hours a day.