soil What is this green stuff on the soil surface?

What is this green stuff on the soil surface that looks like moss?  I'm 100% certain it is from over-watering.  I'm not worried about anything, because I do this with some new seedlings every year, and it never kills the plants or causes any problems.  I'm just curious to know what it is.  Is it some sort of green mold?
It is algae, not mold. And you are right, it is generally a symptom of overwatering. If you let the soil dry out a bit more between waterings, it should go away. But like you said, the algae itself isn't really a problem. I would worry more about the overly wet soil drawing fungus gnats or causing damping off on very young seedlings.
BlackFatalii said:
It is algae, not mold. And you are right, it is generally a symptom of overwatering. If you let the soil dry out a bit more between waterings, it should go away. But like you said, the algae itself isn't really a problem. I would worry more about the overly wet soil drawing fungus gnats or causing damping off on very young seedlings.
Yes - I forgot about the gnats.  They aren't a big problem, but I do sometimes get them.  Here is a follow-up question:  Where do they come from?
I used to get fungus gnats a lot when I used to use a certain generic potting soil. Ever since I switched from that, I never got them again. It looks like your plants could benefit from a couple of cycles drying the soil completely to the bone, then watering, then dehydrating, then drying. I'm sure that would clear that algae/moss right up.
its a giant pot with a tiny little pepper in it. 
remember the water needs of seedlings is very small. easy to dampen off (rot) your little guys if their feet stay wet. ease up on the watering till theyre bigger.