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heat Tobasco sauce- heated up

Hey all, My 12 year old son is a huge hot sauce fan (much like me) and his favorite flavor is the Tobasco Sauce flavor.

I'm growing several tobasco plants under grow lights this winter and look to have enough peppers to start fermenting a big batch around Christmas. The issue is that my son and I both want the sauce to be significantly hotter than standard tobasco without changing the flavor too much.

The question is what is the best hot peppers that won't have too much of an impact on flavor: I have white and orange Habs, Fataliis, Ghost and those small Bohemian peppers all either growing or in the works. Considering the long term timeframe, I could order other peppers and have them growing/harvested by the time the tobasco is done fermenting so if there are other good suggestions, I'm all for it.

I think I have ruled out the orange habs and Fataliis because Tobasco isn't really a fruity/citrus flavor, but since I have never mixed them with vinigar before, I'm not sure if it changes anything.

A huge + for Texas Creeks Pure Evil drops. No effect on flavors, just heat. My wife was kind enough to get me a bottle and I have used it on all kinds of stuff, mustard, ketchup, relish, chocolate syrup, cheese dip, soups, in milk, etc etc but the first thing I did with mine was to supercharge a bottle of Chipotle Tabasco. I love that sauce, it just needed a nice kick.....9 drops did nicely ;).
If you are a tabasco sauce eater and feel heat in it, then you will be going overboar adding hab powder to it let alone ghost powder or ure cap

No, I'm far to far gone to actually feel the heat in Tobasco. Pickled orange Habs are about the hottest thing I actually enjoy eating straight, but its only a matter of time until that isn't very hot anymore...

The tobasco was more about the flavor and consistency that my son likes, but it needs to be hotter. Much hotter. I like the Pure Evil idea, I was just wanting to use the peppers that I was already growing or had seeds for.
I wouldn't go with habs or bhuts as those chile's while bringing the heat, will also bring their own flavors.

Personally, I loathe that milky chalky hab like flavor and prefer a drier tasting less fruity chile.

SL's Pure Evil sounds just like the ticket for adding heat without altering flavor.
Yeah, what TB said. I have been trying for YEARS to heat up Ketchup.
Everything I have tried has changed the flavor at least enough to notice.
Pure Evil has zero taste but it has the heat. That's what it was designed for.
It's pure capcaicin drops, not an extract. No nasty flavor like extracts have.

You can PM SalsaLady, or it's right here on her website...

Salsaladys PE is probably the best way to have 0 impact.

HOWEVER if you are on a budget, or wanting to use what you have on hand, I have a suggestion or two...

Perhaps I am jaded by the production of my own sauces with a minimal (gross) vinegar taste... But the last time I tried any type of Tabasco, the main flavor for me was vinegar.

Any how, I suggest making or buying a hot powder, and then you can heat up your sauce to your pleasure, with minimal affect on your flavor profile. alternatively, you can add a percentage by weight of one of the other powders... Say 1:10 Bhut to Tabasco?