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cooking To boil or not

I want to keep the probiotic nature of fermented sauce, but also give as gifts.
It would be nice to food mill it after fermenting and then distribute into bottles.
Is there a woozy bottle cap out there that is tight but lets co2 out?
The sauce can be cold packed, maybe in some cute canning jars with bail wire or just in reguloar canning jars, and kept refrigerated.  You can do the food mill, that is just to remove the firm bits and make the product smoother.  This will preserve the GoodBugs in the sauce.  but it MUST BE kept refirgerated.   Just think of how fresh unpasteurized sauerkraut or kimchee is packaged and sold.
Or- it should be cooked and hot packed, either in woozy bottles or small canning jars.  Once it is cooked, that kills all the Bugs,  Good and Bad.
Check out Making Hot Sauce 101 for details on the 2 different processes.