sun Sunburn and bounce back

I thought i had  hardened by peppers enough before transplanting them outside but a couple of my larger plants are getting sunburn. I dont have a great way of putting them in shade other than completely covering them with a sheet or something. So my question is. Typically if a plant is getting sunburned what is the time it usually takes them to adjust to the new light source? My smaller plants are having no problem with the transplant as they had a much shorter time with artificial light. Also would covering them up for part of the day help at all?
I wouldn't stress about it too much. It's the little guys you need to worry about more than the big ones.
Seeing that the sunburn damage has already happened, I would just ride it out now and let them recover on their own. Probably won't even take a week.

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Its funny, my smaller plants are absolutely loving the sun, my bigger plants are getting sunburnt, and my two mature hab plants that were transferred from last season are booming in the sunlight.
     I would try to cover them during the hours of most intense sunlight. Since they're new transplants, they really need their foliage now - when they're trying to establish a root system. Frying off all the foliage is going to really set them back. They're going to have a hard time growing all new foliage at the same time they're trying to grow new roots. This might be a bigger problem with the cool night time temps we'll be seeing around here for the next couple of weeks. Those plants won't be doing any growing for quite a while.
You know, using the T5HO industrial highbay fixtures I have, I have never had any sunburn when hardening off.
Possibly because the light from those fixtures is quite intense, and the plants are acclimated to that amount of light?
That's not a big deal on the large ones as long as you have a mature root structure. You can even top them and they will come back.
alkhall said:
You know, using the T5HO industrial highbay fixtures I have, I have never had any sunburn when hardening off.
Possibly because the light from those fixtures is quite intense, and the plants are acclimated to that amount of light?
oddly enough I have had sunburn with using the T5 high output bulbs.  I have around 26k Lumens over 4.5 sqft of space.  I ended up having only a couple of the older leaves get some white bleaching.  
I've seen bleaching too, but only on a seedling that was mostly shaded by much taller plant. Despite everything, it will bounce back in a week or two. The much worse scenario is, that seedlings are all hardened and healthy, but the second you bring them out, slugs prune them for you - thoroughly. Last year, I've had peppers without leaves and tops when I woke up their second day outside. Took them at least 3 weeks to recover. :P
Vicious Vex said:
oddly enough I have had sunburn with using the T5 high output bulbs.  I have around 26k Lumens over 4.5 sqft of space.  I ended up having only a couple of the older leaves get some white bleaching.  
I have ~30K (6 lamps) 2x4 foot fixtures, 8 ft2 . No 'sunburn'.
I believe if you get them started under the lights early enough, they get used to it.