indoor Roots vs Plant temperature control, indoors or out

Hey everyone,
So it is starting to get a little chilly here in Vegas (highs around 58 and lows around 40) and I want to keep my container plants as healthy as I can. In your opinion, is it more important to maintain a warmer temperature for the roots of the plants or the stalk/foliage/flowers to continue flower and pod production? I've been bringing the plants inside at night, I'm trying to decide whether I should bring them in after getting all the sun they can as well to minimize exposure to the cooler temps. Should I continue bringing them inside at night or does it matter? I'd appreciate anyone's advice or thoughts on the matter, thanks!
Pods may ripen at 58 but Idont think it will flower or produce pods...unless you have a species designed for those conditions...someone with more knowledge hopefully will respond.

My temps have been like yours for 2 months shutdowm

Pods already produced continue to ripen painfully slow but flowers are gone and bud growth is nill.
Since the root temps DO matter, and since the ball of dirt takes forever to warm up, I suspect you'll get best results taking them in at night.
But as Masher says, you can pretty much forget about flowers and new pods until late March or so. 
Down here in Aridzona I just leave them out unless it's going to freeze.  The plants limp along and provide a few late season pods well into the new year.
I have plants that are still flowering with pods in various stages. These won't get any heat other than solar that comes in through the camper window. I doubt any of the pods will grow out or ripen. We'll see. Right now the soil temperature is 62°.