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heat Retaining max heat from pods

Whipped up a batch of moruga based sauce,very simple a few other veg  ingredients 
Used a low slow simmer for about 20 min,pods were seeded and pureed
Sauce isn't near as intense as the fresh pods,severe drop in heat,flavor still very good
But the heat drop is pretty excessive, my lack of understanding here cant explain it
What possibly put out the fire ?
As soon as you mix the pods with other stuff it will reduce/dilute the heat.  Ingredients that contain natural sugars ... like carrot, onion, fruits, etc... will further dilute the "heat"....
how many "pods-to-otherstuff" was there? 
Used 12 golf ball sized Moruga pods,1 lg yellow onion,8 quarter sized roasted garlic cloves,1tbs fresh cracked black pepper,1tbs sea salt
and of coarse water.
Simmered about 20 min and let it stand to cool,put in the fridge for 2 days and sneaked a taste from one of the two containers
Cant blame the pods,they come from a very reputable source that allows full ripping before picking etc
My taste trial after they arrived was pretty intense based on 1/4 pod sampling
Why cant you just keep the seeds?  I lost alot of heat there.  I started keeping the seeds, just cook the sauce a bit longer to get them to soften up as well and then blend them.  I used to use a vitamix and it ate everything up.  I lost it recently so now i am trying a Ninja Ultimate and it is eating stuff up also.  When ground up I cant tell from texture tht the seeds were left, but I know all the oil went into the sauce... lol
Hope that helps.
Yes Sir,
Im understanding I need a few more "proficient" toys in my kitchen to play in this crazy pepper game
My pot has been very slow simmer for about 45min.
The reduction looks great,the house is thoroughly gassed out and paint is starting to peel
No doubt this batch is much different :onfire:  :onfire:
My cuisinart blender just bit the dust this morning while making sauce. So I took it back to Costco and upgraded to the Ninja 1200 watt Professional Blender which included a food processor and 3 other smaller bullet attachments. This should make an excellent hot sauce now. 
Can someone here please settle this once and for all? It's my understanding seeds don't contain any heat, they only possess some on the outside due to contact with the placenta.
That said, it would seem to me once you simmer and strain them out, that is all the heat you're going to get out of them. Grinding them up just adds bulk.
Let the battle begin. ;)
Put acouple seeds in your mouth,hold them acouple minutes till the heat dies off
Then bite them and answer your own question,the answer will be loud and clear

Anyway,2nd batch took 16 pods to the reduced gallon and it is very tasty
Pepper taste shines right thru for about 3.6 sec.then the moruga's SCREAM in full fury,their presence.
After 10min or so the heat fades and the moruga flavor returns along with the other simple ingredients.
Not to be eaten straight by the tsb full :fireball:  :hot:  :fireball: