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preservation Question regarding vinegar v.s. lime juice for ph control

Hello all. I have learned a lot from these forums since I recently joined.

One of the doubts that I have is regarding the difference in shelf life when using vinegar v.s lime juice for ph control.

I have been making a number of sauces. I purchased a ph meter and I have been adding lime juice and getting the ph at 3.6

I thought that as long as I got it at 3.6, it didnĀ“t matter if I got it there by using vinegar, lime juice or both. However I have seen a number of posts that say that using vinegar will give a longer shelf life than using lime juice.

So in summary:

Will a sauce of ph 3.6 with vinegar last longer than the same sauce of ph 3.6 with lime juice? Or should they last about the same time since the ph is identical?

Many thanks

I've never heard of vinegar becoming "rancid", but the 100% Realemon juice from concentrate has preservatives???

I use both both fresh squeezed lemon and lime juices in certain sauces for flavor and add citric acid as needed, but I rely on vinegar in all sauces for shelf life...

The least amount needed to keep the ph acidic enough.