shade Question for deep south growers using shade cloth

Is there a certain point in the last half of the season (when the days are getting shorter) you think it beneficial to completely remove the shade cloth and let them have full, all-day sun?
My plants seem to be doing well after they escape from the 30% shade. It's hard for me to know if they still benefit from the shade. They're all superhot chinense. Thanks.
By that stage, I think you'll do just fine.  I actually don't use shadecloth at all for chinense, during any part of the year.  They're my easiest growers.  It is almost mandatory for the Annuum and Baccatums, though.  They just don't do well at all for me under the Florida sun.
Thanks for the input. I think the shade helped them along immensely when they were young'uns but I don't see where it's doing them any good at all now. They act like they want outta there.
with plants like those, I'm not sure why you're asking us for advice :) how tall are these suckers?  I thought mine were doing pretty good at 5 feet lmao.
I typically remove shade cloth when our average highs dip below 90, so typically around labor day.  
Doelman said:
with plants like those, I'm not sure why you're asking us for advice :) how tall are these suckers?  I thought mine were doing pretty good at 5 feet lmao.
I typically remove shade cloth when our average highs dip below 90, so typically around labor day.  
Well, I've never used shade cloth before so that's why I'm asking. I've always used pots in areas with tree shade where I can control the amount of direct sun they get. Thank you for sharing your advice and experience
The biggest plants are right at 9'. Maybe a little taller than that now.
That's a bigass plant. With pot or without? Two of my "mother" plants in 15 & 16 gallon pots are almost 7', with the altitude contribution of the pots.
DWB said:
That's a bigass plant. With pot or without? Two of my "mother" plants in 15 & 16 gallon pots are almost 7', with the altitude contribution of the pots.
Brazilian Starfish in a raised bed. (that's a known big grower - the bed is about 8" off the ground)  So it's kinda like cheating. :D
Most of my plants don't break 5'.
DWB said:
The biggest plants are right at 9'. Maybe a little taller than that now.
This pic makes me smile...
No holding down them Chiles.....
Can just imagine what they'll do once they fully breach that shade cloth(which they seem fully focused on doing). They seem to be screaming for more sun. Whether its good for them or not,,,idk, but they sure seem to want more. I mean they didn't have to grow to 9', they be trying to escape... lol
DWB said:
That's a bigass plant. With pot or without? Two of my "mother" plants in 15 & 16 gallon pots are almost 7', with the altitude contribution of the pots.
It was pretty glorious, but it just didn't have enough anchor to withstand a big gust that came through.  I had to stake it up, and now it looks like it's full of deficiencies, it lost leaves, and it's droopy.  And it dropped about half the pods that were on it.  But it is starting to bounce back now, so we'll see.  That stake up rod is almost an inch in diameter, driven about 3' into the ground.  I'm hoping it won't go over again.  That's what I have to deal with.  Maybe I should have put the shade cloth on it while it's recovering. ;D