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Pepper Extract Tincture Recipes

Hello Everyone,
I have over 40 superhot pepper plants this year, so I know I'll have more than enough fruit to make my hot sauces and was hoping to incorporate extract tinctures as well. Im looking to make hot extract tincture more for the heat/flavor aspect rather than for medicinal purposes. My favorite extract so far were the Lava Drops by Inferno Farms- they had reaper heat with an amazing flavor profile. I just can't get past paying $30 for half an oz though. I'm interested if anyone has recipes they're willing to share. All heat levels are welcome!
rnichols1990 said:
Im looking to make hot extract tincture more for the heat/flavor aspect rather than for medicinal purposes. My favorite extract so far were the Lava Drops by Inferno Farms- they had reaper heat with an amazing flavor profile.
First is defining Extract or Tincture as they are two different things....From 2014

Doughes said:
So I'm trying to make some extract
I'v dried my pepper (Habs and scot)
ground into powder
mixed with 75.5% alc for 4 days
Now I'm not sure exactly what to do next... Any advice?
salsalady said:
Hi Doughes,
welcome to THP!
The process you're describing will give you a "tincture".  Alcohol is used for tons of applications to leach out different properties from different herbs, chiles, spices, etc.  It's used for lots of healing herbs.  
When using alcohol and chiles, the capsaicinoid compounds will dissolve into the alcohol along with chile flavor and color.  Obviously, if you use one ounce of habanero in 1 cup of vodka and 1 ounce of trinidad scorpion in 1 cup of vodka...the TS will be hotter because there are more capsaicinoid compounds in T-scorps.  The solution could then be evaporated to make it more concentrated.
If you want to make an "extraction" that process is more like what's described in the soxhlet thread which yields a thick, oily-looking, (not the best tasting) compound.  
Here's one post - how to make pepper extract
alkhall said:
My recipe; quart Mason jar, 1 pint grain alcohol (190 proof), 50 or so dried and powdered peppers.
Soak for a month or so, giving a good shake every couple days,
Coffee filter to strain.
This seems simple and down to the point, I will give it a try. Thank you!