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condiment No matter how I try, my BBQ sauces always seem to burn the pot

Is there a trick to getting BBQ sauces to not stick to the bottom of the pot, even at low temperature and stirring?
One of the BBQ sauces I'm working on has no granulated sugar, but instead is using blackstrap molasses.  I put the pot on the stove, set it to 2 (one notch above Low) and stirred it every 15 minutes... still, when I poured the sauce out, it still had stuff stuck on the bottom, and that is most likely the molasses.  The burnt taste is minimal but still present in the gallon of sauce I made.  I also used a non-stick pot and a rubber spatula to stir it.
Maybe a double boiler next time?  Anyone have any suggestions to avoid sugar/molasses from sticking to the bottom of the pot?
It sounds like it is a combination of 2 things going wrong. Normally when I am making a bbq sauce I will add all of my ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil. Once it boils I back the temp down to a simmer (I have a gas stove and it is the setting below low). I also stir my pot every 2-3 minutes and let the flavors meld at a simmer for at least 30 minutes (until I reach my desired consistency). Using this method I have yet to have a problem burning my sauce.
Sam & Oliver said:
I went out and bought a nice 3 gallon double boiler. Made a batch and while it took longer, it didnt burn at all. I bought a stiffer whisk and a little more oil. Thanks for the ideas and info. Only my tomato based bbq seems to burn, the mustard bbq sauce never did.

You guys rock!
Nice grab!