greenhouse Mobile Greenhouse

Want to share the insane idea I manifested last year and just filled this year.  I took a 4 foot by 8 foot trailer and converted it to a mobile green house.  The floor has slots for the trays I use.  The sides are plywood, the top is plastic over two by fours.  Top comes off on a good day, goes back ontop overnight. 

Because we have horrible wind this time of the year and for transporting to market, I can take the top off and lay a single piece of plywood on top.  Because it is on wheels, I can push it into the garage or barn if we are getting a really horrible storm.
It fits about 200 plants in solo cups.  Best part, since I am not getting around too well, I can hook it to my truck and bring it to the row where I am planting.  No more back and forth with plants and trays, just park where I need to plant.

Kind of taking a break from filling it.  Wife is away getting feed, so I can sneak off the couch.  If I get it filled, will post pictures of this year's load. 

This is last year with mostly tomato plants.  Photo was taken right after a serious frost.  Almost all survived.  Its not perfect, but really improves how many plants I can start each year by letting me move out early and start a new batch of things that dont take as long.

Thank you.  I call it being lazy.  It hurts much less to think of a way to do a thing better than to do a thing not so good.
Seems that you found a way to keep your plants happy and labor not such a hassle to harden off.
Just move them around during cold weather etc.
Unless you sell a lot markets plants.
Why not have made all the sides 2X2 frame with plastic?
More light etc. would be cool.
You did say winds weren't a problem since you move the trailer to more favorable conditions.
I can see going to market as a possible problem during winds but all that takes is a tarp over the whole thing en route.
It looks like the Plywood isn't that high though.
Great Idea either way...
Add a couple 5 gal. Kitchen oil containers of ferts. and a drip watering system and all you have to do is follow the sun ,you solved the wind problem.
Smokemaster, the trailer has build in slots for 2x4s to attach.  Sides are sheet instead of plastic because I use it to haul to the farmers market and other venues.  That is where the fun part comes in.

I built two tables which are each 2 foot by 8 foot.  I flip them on top and put a strap down.  I get to where I am going, strap comes off, tables flip onto their legs and I am ready to set up.  Most of the plants stay in the trailer.  A few come out and go onto the tables, but mostly much smaller plants that ride inside the truck go on the tables along with some of my handcrafted knives and blacksmithing goods.

But this is what I really want to build.  I have a 16 foot trailer, but not the money yet.  Figure the trays could sit under the displays.  Remove the displays, it is a green house.  Put the displays back on as a lid.  After produce comes in, use the trays for produce, insulate, add some ice it is a refrigerator for eggs.



Should share the ultimate business model since it is so nuts too.  Sure do some road side stuff, but mainly want to arrange with factory and other employers to arrive at shift changes.  Maybe restaurants who want fresh organic produce delivered.  Built a route. 

Currently, my only captive audiance like that is at the Kentucky Renaissance Festival.  Lots of merchants there camp for a couple of months.  Potato, onion, and anything they can cook in foil over a fire sells great and I always kick walmart ass there because, well I am one of them, they expect it, and uh well I hate Walmart.

If I do enough this year, might be able to afford the lumber for next year.

This is our produce wagon at the end the day at the Ren Fair.  Ren Fair is early in the season here, so variety is small.  Probably build better cart for this year.  Woman is our only pseudo employee.  She keeps half of what she sells.  Is one of the reasons I am desperate to get the cold crops in, want her to have something to sell that early in the year.  Sweet person.
