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condiment manzano pepper salsa?

looking for recipe for manzano pappers, anyone have one? roasted or fresh?
never had any before so i figure ill give it a try

I am making a batch up tonight myself. They are real fruity tasting so I like using them with peaches or/and mangos. As far as recipes go I make by taste and add as I go after a base is put together till I am happy with the taste. I will post a pic of my results of tonight's mad science with the amounts and what is in it.
Okay tonight's batch ended up with about 10 orange and yellow Manzano peppers mostly seeds removed in a mixture of sizes, 3 jumbo tomatillo's, 2 medium limes, 3 large peaches skins left on them, 1 cup+ apple cider vinegar, 7 bunching onions both green tops and small bulbs minus the roots, a handful of cilantro and a pinch of sea salt. I basically pureed it very fine and did not cook it as it will not last long before it is gone. Filled three 18 oz containers. I normally use garlic but my mom wanted some from this batch and she is allergic to it so used the bunching onion instead. I will run one container back through the chopper in the morning and add one more ingredient ground cherries that I grew myself this year in the garden. Last batch I made with them my friends and family gobbled it up before I even got to enjoy it.

I have a good amount of seed from these peppers set aside if anyone wants to try growing them.
Anyone else have a manzano salsa recipe? I'm going to a Jr. Civil Air Patrol Independence Day picnic Saturday and I'd like something a little different to bring to go with the chips.
Hey Hotstuff!
Here's my go to salsa recipe based on fellow THP member BeerBreath81's post a while back.  It makes a lot, but you can scale it back if needed.
7 lbs tomatoes
1 lb red onion (about 2 medium)
1 lb poblano peppers (about 4 or 5)
1 lb manzano peppers (about 8 - more if wanted)
1 lb cucumber (about 2)
Juice of 2-3 limes
4-5 tbsp salt
1 bunch Cilantro (optional)
Pulse the tomatoes with the the juice of 2 limes in a blender or food processor.  Pour out into a large bowl.
Finely dice the red onion, poblanos and manzanos.  Add to the bowl.
Peel, seed and dice the cukes.  Add to the bowl.  
Chop the cilantro (if using) and add to the bowl.
Put about 3 tablespoons of salt into the bowl, stir it up real good and give it a taste.  It might need more lime juice, and it probably needs another tbsp of salt or so.
Manzano peppers are great in this because of the color contrast.  As written it's pretty zippy - still family friendly but towards the upper limit of average tolerances.