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heat Lost Heat

Made a small batch of sauce about 90oz bottled
Used some left over pods just to use them up
10 PL Strain Brown Moruga and 10 PL Yellow Primo (solid pod source)
Sauce has good flavor,but the heat just isnt there for that amount of pods
Nothing remotely close,taste testers all said they have had much hotter from me
I had to leave shortly after bottling so I dont know exactly what level it is,but the references from the tasters I know well
say the sauce is lame and basically broke LOL!
Where did the heat go ?
Heres the mix I scraped together with other left over stuff
Whole pods were used,just stemmed and processed
3 lb bag of carrots
2 med onions
4 cloves of garlic
3 limes
Half gallon of water
Seriously folks,what caused the heat to fall out of this mix?
Did freezing the pods literally chill them out ?
I just returned home and tasted the sauce and it isnt even low end hab level hot
how was the heat of the peppers prior to freezing them ?
The only thing I would suggest is if you like the flavor is to add some more fresh peppers until you like the heat level. I have no idea about the heat loss though.
I'm not sure I understand your listing right, but as I read it, there were 10 pods brown and 10 pods yellow used.  Not sure what "PL" is????
20 superhot pods in 3 quarts of sauce is not that hot.  You just don't have enough pods in the sauce. 
Now, having said that....as the sauce rests for a while, it will get hotter.  I've found that with our Scorcher salsa, after a week or so, the capsaicins seems to permeate all the vegetables, and the whole sauce gets hotter.  
Capsaicinoids don't degrade or "get lost" by freezing. 
The PL is Judys PepperLover strain brown moruga and Yellow Primo
The Primo are hot like good primo should be
The moruga are as brutal as most reviews suggest,they pack a very good bite and painful burn
I wasnt looking for a screamer heat level with that few amount of pods,thats why the batch was kept small.
That caliber of heat source should have made much more of a presence and yet the batch is no hotter then a bottle of Franks* or Tabasco*
Ive got a 1/4lb of dried reaper/bubblegum/brainstrain pods re hydrating in some blanco tequila,
Ill add about 10 pods worth to the batch and bring it around Im sure. 
Maybe 1 pound less carrots would have made a difference ?
I learned something on this batch for sure,