storage How do you store your peppers?

Curious what way people keep their peppers. Obviously refrigerator. But do you wrap them and bag them? Or do you leave them exposed in the drawer?
If you cant tell I have alot of peppers and i dont want them to go bad before i have a chance to eat them all lol
Slice them down the middle in half, doublecheck to make sure you don't have any black seeds, clean out anything that doesn't look right and then stick them in a ziplock freezer bag and right into the deep freeze. Once you have enough to make something take them out and either dry/dehydrate for powder or use to make sauce.
Some people like to puree them fresh and keep in the fridge too.
Justosmo said:
Curious what way people keep their peppers. Obviously refrigerator. But do you wrap them and bag them? Or do you leave them exposed in the drawer?
If you cant tell I have alot of peppers and i dont want them to go bad before i have a chance to eat them all lol
For short term storage i just keep them in the fridge, and if i have cut into one but not finished it i put it in a air tight container.  
And as others have said for long term, freeze, dehydrate, puree etc... Pickling them can also be a good option depending on the pepper.
If I'm going to be using fresh then I put them in the drawer of the refer. Sometimes bagged, sometimes not.

Superhots I am going to use in the next month or two for sauces- sliced in half in a big jar of white vinegar in the refer. All others go to the freezer.
I have used the food saver to vacuum seal some in the freezer. I have dried some out and put in mason jars and use the mason jar accessory for the food saver to keep them. I have just started making powders and I hope to start preserving soon using a pressure cooker for purees in small jam jars.