heat Hottest pepper I`ve ever eaten - Again!!!

cone9 said:
Quite a review, Nigel.  
I just can't imagine the determination it must have taken to eat a second one of those.  I can excuse the first one because you didn't know any better, but a second one(?)!
I only ate a small piece of the one Mike sent me and could not believe how hot hot hot it was.   And putrid(sorry Mike).
Then I dried the remainder to use in cooking!
Yeah, right...who the hell am I going to serve that too?
Answer the phone, Nigel.  It's your psychiatrist calling.
Here`s one guy you ain`t serving that to in cooking.... ;)
I think eating the red one first was a poor decision on my part... :doh:
Nigel said:
Here`s one guy you ain`t serving that to in cooking.... ;)
I think eating the red one first was a poor decision on my part... :doh:
yeah. I was thinking that your stomach had a hard enough time dealing w/ the first pepper them you tossed a hotter one down the hatch. I always coat my stomach first w/ a light snack w/ some peanut butter, milk, crackers, etc... first. With those peppers it might not have made a diff anyway though. You are the man!!!
I figure you always have to eat something at least twice, as the first one might have been out of the ordinary.
In this case twice might be enough, but I do have a couple more I wouldn`t want to go to waste   :rolleyes: ..................
That challenge is up there w/ MGOLD86's Brown Morouga. Well played. Anyway, my hat is off to you. I've never tried a Butch T much less a devilish cross :hell:  like that one