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condiment First attempt at a creamy Salsa Verde

1 cup chopped Jalapeno with 3 green serranos and 1 green cowhorn (seeded and briefly cooked in a tiny bit of water to soften)
1 cup roasted peeled hatch chiles
1 hab
4 green cherry tomatoes (roasted)
1 tiny onion. Just slightly bigger than a golf ball (roasted)
2 garlic cloves (roasted just till soft)
1 tbs extra virgin olive oil
1-2 tbs lime juice
Salt to taste, way less than a half tsp. (used most of it for sweating the chopped pepper mix)
Pinch of sugar (literally)
Blended in a NutriBullet 900 until smooth.
I wanted something between a actual hot sauce and a chunky salsa. I ended up with about 14oz of a beautiful lime green salsa with a creamy texture. This is the first time ive added oil to any hot sauce type recipes. Someone sent me a link to a salsa verde and the link claims it almost gives the salsa verde a avocado flavor. Well it kinda did and it gives it a really nice color....I wonder if avocado oil would work better if that is the goal.
Its in the fridge now "melding" but initial tasting was very interesting. Its quite zippy but far from over the top. Probably could use more lime juice and some cilantro right before serving.
I will post a pic of it later when i ready for some chips and salsa :P
To me it has tomatillos but in the general sense of green sauce and not the traditional, anything goes. But they are going to give you real verde.

PS. To achieve creamy use can emulsify in a food proc. with a touch of oil. It will essentially whip it.
That, or you can use sour cream or avocados. Now we are really going rogue.
My tomato plants are almost dead so i used what i had on hand, :D These cherry tomatoes get really sweet when ripe and even the green ones have a hint of sweetness. They were excellent almost ripe in a mild hab sauce i made the other day too. My father and brother both said it was the first hab sauce they could enjoy with a quart of water nearby. Personally i think this "verde" is hotter but im telling them that. :cool:
This turned out thick enough to stick to a spoon but still thin enough to pour,
That looks really similar to the green sauce all the taquerias in this area serve. You would swear it had avocado or cream or something but its just jalapenos, oil, salt, garlic & lime juice. It's super simple but phenomenal.
Just take like 5-7 large jals, pull the stems off & toss in boiling water for 5-7 min til light green (or roast them til soft). Then throw in a blender, add a about 1/3-1/2 cup of neutral oil, tsp or two of salt, juice of 1 lime & a clove or 2 of garlic and blend until super smooth and creamy. Fantastic on tacos. 
This is very similar but it's missing the lime juice & most places don't add onion but it doesnt hurt anything. Some places add a bit of cilantro too: http://yes-moreplease.com/2014/07/jalapeno-creamy-sauce-green-stuff/  

Mine turned out pretty much like that and yes, a couple of the places near me in "Little Mexico" serve something similar. Its DELICIOUS and incredibly simple. Mine has just enough Hatch to know it has some Hatch in it. The jalapeno is dominant and mine are really spicy for jalapenos. Unfortunately i probably wont get any more off my plants. They appear to be done but i do still have plenty of serranos.
Mind if I steal this some time? I've been looking for a good salsa verde recipe to use my green Scotch Bonnets in but everywhere seems to want me to get the oil and salt content from fish and capers. Yuck!
I was somewhat reluctant to try this recipe even with my alterations. I got to say though the oil well blended into the peppers is very tasty. The "faux" avocado is more of a mouth feel than a flavor but if you did not know it has no avocado you would likely guess it does.
Salmon burgers today. The tartar sauce will have some of the "verde" sauce mixed in. I was overruled on sour cream and a slightly spicy tartar sauce does sound good after thinking about it.
Salmon burgers good with wasabi mayo on toasted bun, raw red onion slice, and some micro greens mmmmmmm.

Tartar for fried only, even then I usually skip.

Post them up!
Naaaaaaaa leave wasabi out.
Just not a huge tartar fan. However the ingredients are fine, but I'd much rather squeeze a lemon on the fish, spread mayo on the bun, and add sliced pickles. For some reason that jibes better than tartar for me.
Kinda like how 1000 Island works on some things, but mayo ketchup pickles works better on others even though it's similar ingred.

Do what you do!
I know what im going to sample. Mayo with some lemon drop powder from making hot sauce and chopped bhurr gherkins.. Heading to the store now for a few things.
As far as 1000 Island, ive been debating adding some fresh lemon drops to it. That might be interesting in smaller amounts.